[Episode 2] Intro to 20: Dancing Cages (Fog of War + Nonogram Sudoku Hybrid)
(Eingestellt am 24. März 2023, 15:52 Uhr von AstralSky)
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Outside clues are Nonogram Clues: A clue gives the run of shaded cells in the sequence of the clue in that row or column. Different clues must have at least one unshaded cell separating them. ? can be any nonzero digit.
Killer Sudoku rules apply: Digits may not repeat within a cage and sum to the total given at the leftmost cell of the topmost row. Shaded cells do not count towards the total
Circled cells have the digits that represent its cage size (not all circles are given)
Lösungscode: Shaded cell in row 1 ,row 2 and row 3
Zuletzt geändert am 24. März 2023, 16:22 Uhr
Gelöst von 1277885105, KaedeLen, Jlrice2, chien2000gl, jalebc, Wolwo, Kenji769, 28righthand, Onyx, spatzle, bansalsaab, erml, Jesper, Snookerfan, Krokant, Banana, alanb, tobymgk, Myreque, CahounCZ, HolgerTra, ... kp0hyc, wiry, whtshername, WvdWest, saskia-daniela, Sewerin, yeeko, KyubiBoy, maniacaljackal, MaxSmartable, Nylimb, SudokuFan, SparklePuzzle, Raistlen, Kekes, duckling, tdeo, belnovic, sandmoppe
am 16. Januar 2024, 07:41 Uhr von Nylimb
I made this much harder than it should have been, because my coloring made it hard to see which cells I'd already defogged. So I kept thinking that one particular cell could be part of a particular cage; it took me a long time to realize that it that it didn't have any cage boundaries in it. When I finally noticed that, the rest was easy. Thanks!
am 25. Juni 2023, 10:18 Uhr von Sliark
Great use of the FOW rule. Travel through all the grid and find the only certain digit.
am 4. April 2023, 11:31 Uhr von juvopa
For me it was very hard, although I managed the coloring relativly quick. The next day I finished the rest. Thanks for the great puzzle!
am 25. März 2023, 09:32 Uhr von erml
Loved it, very nice. Looking forward to the big one!
am 24. März 2023, 16:22 Uhr von AstralSky
Added pic