Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Minion with Headphones

(Eingestellt am 10. März 2023, 06:00 Uhr von Will Power)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Numbers on the green line are at least 5 apart from their neighbors on the line. Numbers on orange lines are a set of non-repeating, consecutive numbers, in any order. Numbers with an X between them sum to 10. Numbers with a black dot between them are in a ratio of 2:1. Orthogonally adjacent numbers with a white dot between them are consecutive. A white dot between two diagonal neighbors on the orange line indicates that these neighbors on the line are consecutive. These dots have no effect on the numbers on the other diagonal through them.

F-Puzzles less color

Solve on CTC less color

Lösungscode: Row 5 and column 1.

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von gonzalez87, jalebc, Ceedrich, Count Knersis, TeamSchmidt, hollowpineapple, Domen19192, Jreg, 28righthand, EmX68, LehanLehan, Haddi, belfieldtj, sirtramola, Raistlen, henryg14, OrangieLou, flipping, ... gollum999, ArmagedDan, tkrahn98, kipcool, richliaofs, Airelin, Fustrate, louie.lly, pms_headache, tolley, bcreturnee, Baconator, varbrad, NemoBlub, puzzledcoop, dielilla, sandbo00, drifting, jsxft
Komplette Liste


am 28. August 2024, 17:08 Uhr von garycblack
SudokuPad solution link:

I see it if I squint. =)

am 14. Juni 2024, 17:53 Uhr von LexiRae7712
This was absolutely adorable :) Thanks for a great puzzle

am 18. August 2023, 05:32 Uhr von silent_rob
Great puzzle - cute visuals/theme and nice break-in. Flowed very smoothly.

am 7. Juli 2023, 01:59 Uhr von Nebu
Nice puzzle, solved in under 30 minutes

am 25. Mai 2023, 06:57 Uhr von mambonumber1
Figuring out the Whisper Line was very fun! This is a great puzzle.

am 15. März 2023, 19:00 Uhr von MarthaB
Another fun puzzle from Will Power.

am 13. März 2023, 16:16 Uhr von erik
very fun mix of whispers + renbans!

am 12. März 2023, 01:19 Uhr von Kirra
This is a absolutely beautiful and approachable puzzle. Thankyou WillPower

am 11. März 2023, 15:13 Uhr von anyeyeball
Another very nice puzzle! Thank you.

am 11. März 2023, 02:03 Uhr von RussKozerski
Thank you Will Power. Enjoyable as always.

am 10. März 2023, 19:19 Uhr von gd1981
Very nice puzzle. Took a while to get the break-in sussed but once I got it worked out it fell nicely in sequence

am 10. März 2023, 15:33 Uhr von Shearing
Very nice puzzle, thank you! The white dot in box 3 is not necessary to solve this one though.

am 10. März 2023, 14:09 Uhr von Ragna
Very nice again. Thank you for setting and sharing. :-)

am 10. März 2023, 13:44 Uhr von Wolwo
One of the easiest puzzles I've solved. Very approachable and satisfying to solve. Amazing puzzle. Looks cool too!

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:422 mal
Beobachtet:15 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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