Tapa-Like Loop (Crossing, Transparent, Toroidal)
(Eingestellt am 6. März 2023, 09:07 Uhr von sevenkplus)
Draw a loop through the centers of some cells. Two perpendicular line segments may intersect each other, but not turn at their intersection or otherwise overlap.
Clues represent the length of loop segments each time it enters the entire 3x3 area the clue cell is in the middle of.
The grid is toroidal, which means that first and last row/column are considered adjacent. This means that lines going up from the top row should match the lines going down from the bottom row; lines going left from the leftmost column should match the lines going right from the rightmost column.
Clue format: When all numbers in the clue are one-digit, comma is omitted. Otherwise comma is not omitted.
Penpa link: https://tinyurl.com/2o469uaf
Answer check (for penpa): Use Line->Normal. Lines between the top and bottom row (respectively, between the leftmost column and rightmost column) should be inputted twice.
Special thanks to
apiad for testing this puzzle.
Penpa link: https://tinyurl.com/2ed95klg
Example Solution:
Example Solution Code (Row 2 and 3): LLIXILOL
Lösungscode: For each cell in Row 2 and Row 10, from left to right, input
O: if the cell is not visited
X: if the cell is a crossing
L: if the cell is a turning
I: if the cell is a straight line
Concatenate Row 2 and Row 10 code for the full solution code (length 22).
Zuletzt geändert am 6. März 2023, 09:09 Uhr
Gelöst von apiad, bigger, filuta, PeterRed
Zuletzt geändert am 18. September 2024, 22:53 Uhram 18. September 2024, 22:53 Uhr von Menderbug
Penpa no longer lets you draw outside the grid, so here is a new link for online solving: https://tinyurl.com/2yv4lrlb
am 16. März 2023, 16:24 Uhr von filuta
well, every clue in this puzzle is sort of puzzle in itself, and few of those included some a bit unpleasant case checking I must say, which made me feel I was missing some sort of technique probably. on the whole though, I am very happy I got to solve this (to me) very original puzzle and certainly would recommend others to try it out too.
am 6. März 2023, 09:09 Uhr von sevenkplus
add acknowledgement