Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Siamese Coral (1)

(Eingestellt am 6. März 2023, 02:36 Uhr von KNT)

Two corals are to be drawn in the grid: each coral is orthogonally connected, contains no 2x2 area, and does not 'lock in' any cells; that is, for each coral, all orthogonally connected groups of cells that do not belong to itself are orthogonally connected to the boundary. The corals may not have any cells in common.

One of the two corals is entirely comprised of numbers from 1 to 9, and no numbers may be placed elsewhere in the grid. Numbers must not repeat in any row or column. Clues outside the grid indicate the sums of connected groups of numbers in the respective row or column, where cells not on the number-coral serve as delimeters between groups. The sums are given in ascending order, not order of appearance.

Clues to the right and bottom indicate the lengths of coral segments for one of the two corals, in ascending order. Different rows and columns may provide information on different corals, but no row or column contains information mixed from both corals.

A question mark can replace any number from 0 to 9, but no clue may have a leading zero.



Lösungscode: Row 3, Column 9: K for empty coral, X for neither coral, otherwise the digit

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Juli 2024, 04:05 Uhr

Gelöst von polar, Xendari, Koalagator2, Niverio, Piatato, Vebby, Jesper, ONeill, jkuo7, wooferzfg, Jakhob, rmn, Myxo, ClashCode, ancarro, lerroyy, Statistica, Alex, RJBlarmo, thoughtbyte, Uhu, MaizeGator, cha, ... ibag, ascension, misko, peacherwu2, Martijn314, akamchinjir, Gliperal, Agent, pkp, ffricke, zuzanina, akodi, wildbush7, Christounet, kiwi0710, Paletron, Nick Smirnov, puzzler05, Las4one, h5663454
Komplette Liste


am 16. November 2023, 00:31 Uhr von Christounet
Very enjoyable "training" puzzle ! Now let's see what we can do with that giant invading siamese coral...

am 6. Juli 2023, 07:59 Uhr von akodi
Beautiful construction! Challenging, but all the steps are clear and logical, absolutely no trial and error needed.
Love it and will now see if I can tackle that monster...

am 20. Mai 2023, 07:13 Uhr von Agent
Lovely puzzle, very satisfying flow!

am 25. April 2023, 21:43 Uhr von peacherwu2
Almost missed this beautiful gem!!!

am 7. April 2023, 20:36 Uhr von ibag

Zuletzt geändert am 28. März 2023, 04:47 Uhr

am 28. März 2023, 04:47 Uhr von tallcat
Turns out that remembering all the rules definitely helps a solve progress faster. That being said, this is far out of my comfort zone so i certainly feel the 5/5 difficulty is warranted. It kept me engrossed though!

am 20. März 2023, 15:47 Uhr von KNT
@AnnaTh Thank you for the lovely compliment :) I am personally very surprised this puzzle ended up as 5 stars, I listed it (and still think) it is a 4. However the follow up is surely much more challenging. Sometimes I wish for more possible ratings for difficulty..

am 20. März 2023, 15:41 Uhr von AnnaTh
Beautiful! And not as difficult as I feared it would be. Nevertheless challenging!

am 17. März 2023, 16:47 Uhr von Uhu
I'm stunned. Wow!

am 8. März 2023, 05:58 Uhr von wooferzfg
Awesome puzzle, that was a ton of fun. Thanks for including an example so I didn't have to parse every detail in the story :)

am 6. März 2023, 20:19 Uhr von ONeill
Awesome introduction to the ruleset. It will definitely help to prepare for what’s to come :)

am 6. März 2023, 18:07 Uhr von Jesper
Fascinating ruleset! I found this 'intro'-puzzle already quite challenging, so I suspect the monster one will put up a good fight :)

am 6. März 2023, 13:25 Uhr von Piatato
Awesome ruleset, and a great puzzle!

am 6. März 2023, 09:09 Uhr von Niverio
Stop breaking my brain pls

am 6. März 2023, 03:41 Uhr von Xendari
Very cool & very weird. Loved it!

am 6. März 2023, 03:13 Uhr von polar
Very fun puzzle! I see a lot of potential for this ruleset on a bigger grid :)

Bewertung:100 %
Gelöst:48 mal
Beobachtet:4 mal

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