Sandwich gone BAD
(Eingestellt am 3. März 2023, 17:59 Uhr von PrimeWeasel)
Normal Sudoku rules apply
Place the letters BAD and the digits 123456 (do not use 789) once each in every row, column, and box.
The letter B(ox) has the value of the BOX number.
The letter A(cross) has the value of the ROW number.
The letter D(own) has the value of the COLUMN number.
Clues outside the grid give sums of the digits sandwiched between a cell with value 1 and a cell with value 6 in the respective row/column, in no particular order. In each row/column with a clue, all possible clues are given. Just for clarification, a given clue could apply to multiple Sandwiches for a row or column, a 12 clue could for instance mean that there's 2 sandwiches with the same sum of 12.
RockyRoer started it all with this puzzle:
Killer RBC1-6
ZombieHunter then made it BAD:
BAD values Snooker
Lösungscode: Row 9, Column 5
Zuletzt geändert am 7. März 2023, 19:53 Uhr
Gelöst von Zombie Hunter, RockyRoer, alanb, Vebby, Andrewsarchus, fjam, SenatorGronk, Sktx, DiMono, Tacosian, Las4one, Lyun Licuss, NightDog
am 31. Dezember 2023, 03:16 Uhr von Tacosian
Incredible puzzle that deserves way more solves.
am 9. März 2023, 22:14 Uhr von SenatorGronk
am 4. März 2023, 23:58 Uhr von Andrewsarchus
Very Satisfying!
am 4. März 2023, 06:11 Uhr von alanb
So BAD it's good. That sandwich stacked with so many cold cuts, I'm going to need a long nap to recover.
am 4. März 2023, 04:21 Uhr von RockyRoer
Jealous that I couldn't combine RBC1-6 with sandwich first. Nice puzzle!
am 3. März 2023, 19:38 Uhr von Zombie Hunter
Don't worry about this Sandwich leaving a BAD taste in your mouth. It is very fulfilling and wonderful. Don't get caught by "this must be it" mentality, maybe there is another way you haven't seen yet? Let's get this one rated!!