Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 3. März 2023, 15:34 Uhr von Kafkapharnaum)

A Spiral Galaxy Doppelganger hybrid

So quite a few months ago already, as we were co-solving PrimeWeasel's most excellent Spiral Galaxy sudoku, filuta planted the thought of this puzzle in my mind, inception-like, and from that moment on, I was doomed… But finally, after scrapping a ridiculous, overly arcane curiosity and an absurdly hard (yet lesser) version that you’ve been spared, finally, it exists and I can keep it out of my mind dopplperschg doppltrgy

Incidentally, this puzzle coincides with the 2 year anniversary of my Doppelganger ruleset and coming to this site, and is dedicated to all the people who supported it (and me), but most notably Piatato, Samish, Sktx, DadJokes, jgreenfield, polar, and of course, filuta, who paid the heavy price by testing every single version of this thing


– The dots in the grid are the centers of non-overlapping, 180 degrees rotational symmetric galaxies. Each cell of the grid is part of a galaxy (1x1 galaxies can be valid, but they must have a center). All Galaxy centers are given
– Galaxies are made of a series of non-repeating consecutive digits in any order


– Every row, column, and box contains the digit 0 always, as well as eight out of the nine digits from 1 to 9 (ie, it's missing one digit that is not 0)
– No two row, no two column, and no two box may be missing the same digit
– For each 0 in the grid, the digits missing in its row, its column, and its box must be three different digits
*** Also, note that a zero always acts as itself (ie, the lowest possible value), regardless of what digits it's replacing in its box, row and column

SOLVING LINKS (no solution check)
Penpa (w/tracking cells)
Penpa (main grid only)

CTC app (w/tracking cells)
CTC app (main grid only)

Lösungscode: Row 3

Zuletzt geändert am 23. März 2024, 20:42 Uhr

Gelöst von filuta, polar, Samish, Piatato, wullemuus, Chilly, XeonRisq, fjam, Crusader175, Yann, bodemeister, PrimeWeasel, pkp, FischmitFahrrad, SIGMA, gfoot, yangduoxing
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 30. März 2024, 00:58 Uhr

am 29. März 2024, 18:55 Uhr von PrimeWeasel
Honored to have inspired, and what an excellent solve path you have come up with!
Thank you for getting this one finally fully rated, much appreciated! And it's me who's honored, your Spiral Galaxy is the absolute OG, it's not getting taken out of my favorites anytime soon :D

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Februar 2024, 22:11 Uhr

am 11. Februar 2024, 20:29 Uhr von bodemeister
This has to be one of my favorite puzzles of all time. Amazing use of dopplegangers to make a fantastic ruleset possible that otherwise could not have a unique solution. Hard (for me) but interesting deductions waited for me at every corner. Now it's after 3am. Goodnight!
Haha, well thank you so much for the dedication in solving this one! Almost a year later this is still the puzzle I'm the proudest of, even as I'm super proud also of my entire offering since, so to hear you say that it's one of your favorites is truly special to me, massive thanks for that :D

Zuletzt geändert am 11. November 2023, 15:32 Uhr

am 11. November 2023, 14:04 Uhr von Yann
Extraordinarily clever, intricate and fun, you're never stuck, and the doppelganger rule is a central part, it's gorgeous, thanks for setting this !
PS : congrats on everybody voting 5 stars, and get ready on a pkp solve, he solves all of the hardest puzzles !
Thank you so very much for your solve and awesome comment, I'm thrilled you enjoyed the puzzle like that! This being by far the puzzle that took me the longest and the most efforts to set, it really means a lot, and I gotta thank you yet again just for the overall streak of solves on my puzzles, that is super appreciated! :D

Zuletzt geändert am 25. August 2023, 16:46 Uhr

am 25. August 2023, 00:56 Uhr von XeonRisq
I like your take on the Zero displacement (doppelganger) rule, a little more restrictive than what I used. I did find it quite difficult, but enjoyed it immensely. I was able to drive some interest/exposure for this in Skunkworks, but I was more the seed than the delivery system for said interest. Hope it's enough to get this a rating!!
Thanks a thousand for your solve and such a day-making comment! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it, and like I said below, it's funny how it goes, as for me your Mission Improbable was the harder one, as if there was a veil on things or something haha. The two rulesets really do play differently, something I hadn't fully appreciated up to that point
Is DadJokes still active in the Skunkworks? He seems to not be so active here anymore, but he had also made a really great puzzle with 0's and roughly the same ruleset, "Double Agent". I greatly recommend it. Anyway, thank you again so much for your solve!
I haven't seen DJ in quite some time, I think real life has grabbed his attention for now. I'm sure at some point we discussed his puzzle Double Agent, as that was around the time I was initially exploring the zero replacement idea, but that was the summer of last year and many puzzles ago.
Thank you! I figured it might be something like that. Well anyhow, it looks like your effort already paid off, thank you so very much, I greatly appreciate it!

Zuletzt geändert am 22. August 2023, 16:21 Uhr

am 22. August 2023, 13:45 Uhr von Chilly
Very nice! Interesting how it compares with Xeon's Mission Improbable - I tested an earlier version of that doing the 'filuta' job :)
I agree that these puzzles deserve more attention.
And another awesome surprise, thank you so much, and I'm glad you liked the puzzle :D Indeed, I seem to recognize your name from the Discord server, but in any case, I gotta, say, this community is really unique in how people actually read comments and are genuinely curious to seek and try related content, I'm super grateful, and doubly so for this one, which really took a toll on me, so thanks again so much!
No problem - I enjoy harder puzzles and I sometimes post mine on CTC, sometimes direct to LMD

Zuletzt geändert am 12. August 2023, 15:17 Uhr

am 12. August 2023, 14:58 Uhr von wullemuus
Inspired by the discussion to "Mission improbable" I've chosen my second Doppelganger and first galaxy puzzle. A real, real challenge (esp. because I oversaw hint 3 in the doppelganger instruction ...)! What an amazing logic!
What an awesome surprise, thank you so much for giving this one a shot, and for your solve and kind words! It's always so impressive to me to see people go after my hardest puzzles in that ruleset as their first -- as indeed, my ruleset is different from Xenorisq's. I'd solve so many more puzzles if I could do that myself XD
And it's funny you said that about the '3 faces', as myself I was thrown off while solving Mission Improbable because it WASN'T there haha. Anyhow, thank you again so much!

Zuletzt geändert am 24. März 2023, 14:56 Uhr

am 22. März 2023, 23:19 Uhr von Piatato
Great puzzle! It truly was a joyful experience for me, and I think that this is my favourite doppelganger puzzle so far! Although it was very challenging throughout - except the initial few minutes - there was always something showing up. In the end things flowed really beautifully, and one is left with a great feeling after the ending. Thanks a lot for pulling through setting this one!
Thank you so much for your solve and kind words on this one! Much like for my other 'personal challenge' puzzles (like the Greater), every solve on this one is very special to me and immensely appreciated, and I'm glad I could finally pay proper tribute to all the people who supported me, and especially you! ;-)

Zuletzt geändert am 5. März 2023, 04:05 Uhr

am 5. März 2023, 02:09 Uhr von Samish
Yeah, truly awesome puzzle in this final version! The difficulty is very well balanced and completely fair even though some part of the break-in was still difficult for me to find. Great job, congrats!! :D
Argh, now I've fallen behind in needing to solve Tiger haha XD No seriously, thank you so much for the solve and kind words, and also for all the time you've put on the previous version as well, which undoubtedly needed some major rework. I'm thrilled you liked this one!

Zuletzt geändert am 3. März 2023, 21:29 Uhr

am 3. März 2023, 20:36 Uhr von polar
Great idea, flawless (& challenging) execution. Thank you!
Thank you so much for the solve and kind words Polar, but especially for your support, this is everything! :D

Zuletzt geändert am 3. März 2023, 15:50 Uhr

am 3. März 2023, 15:40 Uhr von filuta
absolutely loved it! doppelganger logic at its peak for me! (and great title ofc)
Thank you for entering your solve and comment, but especially for all your work and time testing the different versions -- I'm glad it was all worth it in the end :D

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:17 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

Rätselkombination Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

