Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Anti-Knight Weirdity 5

(Eingestellt am 25. Februar 2023, 20:19 Uhr von Jeet Sampat)



Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Cells separated by a Chess knight's move must contain different digits.
Digits in a cage sum to the number in its top-left corner.
A clue outside the grid gives the sum of digits along the indicated diagonal. Digits may repeat on such diagonals.

Try it on the CTC app or on f-puzzles.


Lösungscode: Row 4 (left to right) and column 6 (top to bottom); 18 digits, no spaces.

Gelöst von jalebc, DVFrank, antiknight, Dentones, SKORP17, Yawnus, Iluvsodah, Entropywins, bansalsaab, apendleton, Bjd, cathematician, cdwg2000, Ood, weiken, AvonD, Azumagao, zhall12570, BenTen, lerroyy, asver, ... Netra, mitch.keeping, Kimyee, lovely, ohammersmith, Kabuki73, laky, darrenfwl, Zzzyxas, polar, Bankey, PippoForte, noodlehead, Krokant, annnz, Vodkilis, mezkur7, by81996672, DiMono, SXH, gxorgx
Komplette Liste


am 18. Juli 2023, 20:45 Uhr von Bankey
Very hard, and great fun! Thanks, @ Jeet Sampat :).

am 24. März 2023, 15:58 Uhr von Kabuki73
Fantastic puzzle, nice break, challenging but doable (though it took me 178 minutes...)

am 26. Februar 2023, 23:34 Uhr von Jeet Sampat
Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Apologies to anyone who attempted the puzzle when I marked it as a 4/5 for difficulty. I now see that I took some of the 'not-so-obvious' steps for granted while running through various iterations of this concept before selecting this one.

am 26. Februar 2023, 23:30 Uhr von BenTen
Incredible puzzle! It's amazing that it solves from so little information. I love the break-in and the knights move logic all the way through. Really nice setting, well done.

am 26. Februar 2023, 21:49 Uhr von zhall12570
Great puzzle!

am 25. Februar 2023, 21:34 Uhr von antiknight
Nice break-in :)

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:44 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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