Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Slither Cave

(Eingestellt am 20. März 2023, 16:00 Uhr von Blobz)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Shade some cells (the walls) and leave some cells unshaded (the cave) such that:

(a) the cave is a single orthogonally connected area containing all caged cells.
(b) digits within cages indicate the number of cave cells (including itself) that are seen orthogonally from that position (walls block vision).
(c) each wall segment is an orthogonally connected group of cells where at least one cell touches the edge of the grid.
(d) each wall segment includes exactly one diamond, and contains the digits 1-N (with no repeats), where N is placed in the diamond.
(e) circles are wall cells where the digit indicates the number of orthogonally adjacent cave cells.

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

Play this puzzle on SudokuPad

Lösungscode: Row 4 followed by Row 6

Zuletzt geändert am 1. April 2024, 21:56 Uhr

Gelöst von mcc, Allagem, redgecko, efnenu, Lutterot, jkuo7, rapha.vlas, halftime, KNT, Mr_tn, Jesper, abed hawila, wildbush7, britboy3456, Shrolu, Martijn314, tobymgk, nottabird, misko, tuturitu, cmatthews30, kelly, zrbakhtiar, martin1456, renmou3355529, farodin64, trashghost, rich_27, gdc, Luaryo, SudokuHero, scottgarner, Numiez, dogfarts, novarielet, abadx, resterman, godoffours, Nick Smirnov, NEWS, OnOffL
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am 25. Januar 2024, 17:37 Uhr von rich_27
I loved this puzzle too, really smooth. Great setting!

am 22. März 2023, 09:15 Uhr von abed hawila
Fun puzzle!

am 21. März 2023, 16:06 Uhr von halftime
Very cool puzzle, and fairly approachable once I got my head wrapped around the rules. Thank you for sharing!

am 20. März 2023, 22:18 Uhr von Lutterot
Lovely puzzle!

Zuletzt geändert am 20. März 2023, 19:49 Uhr

am 20. März 2023, 19:48 Uhr von Blobz
Clarified that digits do not repeat in wall segments.

Zuletzt geändert am 20. März 2023, 19:49 Uhr

am 20. März 2023, 19:44 Uhr von Allagem
What a fun and surprisingly approachable cave puzzle! There’s a lot of symbols to keep track of but it’s worth it. Great puzzle!

Minor tweak suggestion: mention in the rules that digits in a wall segment don’t repeat. The statement as is strongly suggests the digits 1-N don’t repeat so I did assume it, but I think it’s possible to interpret the rule as “wall segments contain digits SELECTED from 1-N”, possibly allowing repeats and possibly leading to multiple solutions.

Thanks for the feedback. Description updated.

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:41 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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