The Pawn's Gambit - VERSION 2
(Eingestellt am 17. Februar 2023, 03:46 Uhr von HalfBakedLunatic)
The Pawn's Gambit - VERSION 2
• Normal Sudoku Rules Apply
• Squares are Even numbers, Circles are Odd numbers
This game is more chess than Sudoku:
• Kings are 1, Rooks are 2, Bishops are 3, Knights are 4
• No two Kings can be a “Kings Move” apart
• No King can be a “Knight’s Move” from any Knight
• No King can be on the same diagonal as a Bishop, unless a Knight, Rook, or Pawn is blocking the path
• No King can be in the same row or column as a Rook unless a Knight, Bishop, or Pawn is blocking the path
• Pawns moving down the board are 5. No King can be on a diagonal in the row below a downward moving pawn
• Pawns moving up the board are 6. No King can be on a diagonal in the row above an upward moving pawn
Basically, no King can be "in check"
I published "Version 1" using thermos to disambiguate the final 7/8/9 digits, but they were interfering with some of the more difficult "chess" elements I had designed into the solution path. This revision fixes the issues and is significantly harder! (the puzzle itself is the same, no changes to any of the digits)
Please let me know how you like it!
Solve Online here:
The Pawn's Gambit Sudoku (F-Puzzles)
The Pawn's Gambit Sudoku (Sudokulab)
Puzzle by David Workman (aka "HalfBakedLunatic")
Lösungscode: Row 4
Zuletzt geändert am 17. Februar 2023, 04:01 Uhr
Gelöst von Leonard Hal, hige, SKORP17, mikepautov, Elliott810, BobAndWeave, mbrandtwls, Hazem-77, Gnosis66, OGRussHood, Al Fresco, SeveNateNine, Uhu, MrQubo, Criptonight, lovely, michaal94, Felis_Timon, KatiBru, Shuhua Milk, jalebc, MaNCS, bansalsaab, ryanprobably
am 1. April 2023, 23:12 Uhr von Criptonight
What a brilliant and beautiful puzzle! I normally get frustrated after an hour and give up, but I kept following the chess moves and it all came together so wonderfully at the end. This is probably the most difficult puzzle I have ever solved on my own.
am 19. Februar 2023, 05:37 Uhr von Gnosis66
Inventive and very enjoyable.
am 18. Februar 2023, 14:45 Uhr von mbrandtwls
I enjoy the first version of the puzzle, but this is stunningly good, my friend! A+++
When are you going to come by and see us at Bloomberg again?