Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

159 Bullseye

(Eingestellt am 15. Februar 2023, 23:04 Uhr von luda3)

Wanted to try my hand at 159 indexing with some renban logic to see what I could come up with. And yet somehow x-sums got thrown in there. Let's see how that comes out!?! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did making. Please feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you have any comments or questions.


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • 159 Sudoku: Each digit in the columns 1,5,9 indicates the location of the numbers 1,5and9 respectively.
  • X-sums sudoku: Clues outside the grid show the sum of the first N digits in the respective row or column from the direction of the clue where N is the first digit.
  • Renban Sudoku Digits along purple renban lines must form a consecutive set, in any order. (Note: digits can not repeat on the line.)
  • FPuzzles: Click Here

    SudokuPad: Click Here

Lösungscode: Row 1 followed by Column 7 as an 18 string digit

Gelöst von MicroStudy, apendleton, Bjd, nmmc123, mnasti2, karen_birgitta, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Ye Nay Myo Han, jcgodart, flaemmchen, jalebc, troptot, Snookerfan, belfieldtj, abed hawila, Titonious, AvonD, SKORP17, ... Chishiri, cbrown92, wisty, cat, lovely, juddimal, Uhu, Carolin, zorant, PippoForte, Migu, misko, michaal94, jimblek, zrbakhtiar, Kirra, sedici, ScienceNerd2240, pepe74287, MaxInfinity, jadezki
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2023, 21:02 Uhr

am 25. Februar 2023, 14:50 Uhr von puzzlepandit
I like how the x-sum clues places with the 159 constraints.
>> Thanks Puzzlepandit :) that was an interesting interaction between the constraints

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Februar 2023, 09:15 Uhr

am 18. Februar 2023, 02:36 Uhr von MarthaB
I'm so proud to have solved this. It was a challenge (for me). Thank you for this puzzle.
Thank you for the solve, I'm glad you liked it and stuck to it :)

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Februar 2023, 19:16 Uhr

am 16. Februar 2023, 18:57 Uhr von Franjo
A lovely two-stars-puzzle. Thank you for setting this beauty!
Thank you for your time, solve and lovely comment!

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Februar 2023, 00:54 Uhr

am 16. Februar 2023, 00:34 Uhr von apendleton
Very satisfying, and not too hard! Interesting interactions between the constraints.
Thank you for the solve and comment! :)

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:95 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal


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