Lösungscode: Rows 1 and 6.
am 18. Februar 2023, 08:01 Uhr von SHERAX
Enjoyed This One!
am 15. Februar 2023, 13:21 Uhr von ddx2407
Not too difficult, and quite fun to solve for the most part (especially early-mid).
am 10. Februar 2023, 17:34 Uhr von Nalinchen
I solved this during its testing phase on the CTC discord in January and absolutely loved the logic behind each step and how much „Jay Dyer“-y it felt to me. (Which means elegantly and beautifully constructed)
am 10. Februar 2023, 04:03 Uhr von SimplePurpleFrog
Brutally crazy genius
am 9. Februar 2023, 07:46 Uhr von Phistomefel
This is stunningly good! Thank you very much, Jay Dyer!
am 8. Februar 2023, 23:54 Uhr von Jesper
Great puzzle! More approachable than expected (perhaps partly because the start is so well telegraphed).
am 8. Februar 2023, 23:34 Uhr von Fool on Hill
This is a stunningly good puzzle which I originally solved on the CTC Discord testing stream. Definitely not easy, but just beautiful logic.
am 4. Februar 2023, 18:06 Uhr von Al Fresco
A bit of a brain melter but very clever setting. Thanks Jay
am 4. Februar 2023, 17:29 Uhr von madhupt
A beautiful break-in and nice flow of logic thereafter. Thanks a lot for sharing!
am 3. Februar 2023, 22:44 Uhr von Vebby
Brilliant construction! :)
am 3. Februar 2023, 00:18 Uhr von DVFrank
Very nice! :^)
am 2. Februar 2023, 23:32 Uhr von Andrewsarchus
Very creative idea, brilliantly executed. Great puzzle!
am 2. Februar 2023, 20:08 Uhr von OhHeyGuysItsMax
I think this puzzle may be impossible due to the position of the pill in row 5.