Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Numbered Corridors 1 (Entropic Lines, Numbered Rooms)

(Eingestellt am 30. Januar 2023, 15:00 Uhr von Crusader175)

Exploring idea where Numbered Rooms clue forms a different type of lines constraint.


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Entropic Lines: Any set of three sequential cells along an entropic line must contain a low (1,2,3), middle (4,5,6), and high (7,8,9) digit. An entropic line of length 2 may not contain two digits from the same strata.

Numbered Rooms: Clues outside the grid indicate the digit which has to be placed in the Nth cell in the corresponding direction, where N is the digit placed in the first cell in that direction.

Every Numbered Rooms clue forms an Entropic Lines starting from the N to Nth cell. (Note: N =1 is possible)

Puzzle Link:


SudokuPad (with solution check)

My youtube channel on solving sudoku: Crusader Puzzle

Lösungscode: Row 1 followed by Row 6

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Januar 2023, 17:01 Uhr

Gelöst von h5663454, Jagga, Myxo, randall, arachnid, Hafvenstein, Sotek, SenatorGronk, Mrtn, Julianl, Bjd, AvonD, hungkenchanlee, efnenu, ficko, Luzju04, terrible_casserole, cdwg2000, Imperial Marcher, ... SimiC, mitch.keeping, Banana, rudaass, alanb, by81996672, unterwasserboot, wmiltti, darrenfwl, britboy3456, Ulistef, Krokant, flaemmchen, dennischen, Bellsita, PippoForte, SpecSheets, tgstar
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 3. Februar 2023, 07:07 Uhr

am 3. Februar 2023, 05:53 Uhr von KyleBaran
I dont understand the third rule. N to Nth? If N was 4, that would say from 4 to 4th, it would be the same cell.
Nth from the edge? Nth from the given number?

Reply: N is first cell near the clue. So it will be line of length N in that direction. Example: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=2d9a5hbl

Zuletzt geändert am 1. Februar 2023, 22:44 Uhr

am 1. Februar 2023, 20:00 Uhr von rudaass
This was just delightful. I really like entropy puzzles and i am terrible at numbered puzzles. But this puzzle combine them in a perfect way and the solve is very smooth. Thank you for this puzzle.

Reply: Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

Zuletzt geändert am 31. Januar 2023, 15:59 Uhr

am 31. Januar 2023, 12:13 Uhr von farodin64
Wunderful puzzle with an interesting ruleset and a smooth solve flow, thank you!

Reply: Thank you farodin!

Zuletzt geändert am 31. Januar 2023, 05:59 Uhr

am 31. Januar 2023, 04:50 Uhr von Elliott810
Beautiful puzzle with an enterprising ruleset! Thanks:)

Reply: Thank you Elliott!

am 30. Januar 2023, 17:01 Uhr von Crusader175
Bolding the rules to make it more clear

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Januar 2023, 16:58 Uhr

am 30. Januar 2023, 16:40 Uhr von h5663454
Very interesting puzzles! Combined with the third rule in the ruleset, it also seems to make numbered rooms less intimidating.
(Because this is one of the types of questions that I am quite afraid of, I have done several related puzzles before, and each one took me a long time...)

Oh, and it's easy to make mistakes if you don't notice "N=1 is possible" when reading the ruleset.
(yes, I'm the guy who didn't notice that in the first place, and caused the answer to go wrong...)

Reply: Thank you! I try to make it not too difficult for the first puzzle in this series. Glad you like it. :)

Bewertung:97 %
Gelöst:48 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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