Lösungscode: Ziffern aus Zeile 5 dann Spalte 5
am 9. Februar 2023, 07:20 Uhr von Fisherman
Chef d'oeuvre from a master of cryptic puzzles. Proof by mathematical induction and other technics are unwarranted. Just extend f(x) by inspection.
am 8. Februar 2023, 19:38 Uhr von Ryx
My apologies to those that attempted this puzzle previously. Thanks to Leonard Hal for pointing out the error in my rules, regarding line segment totals (I had right to left, where it should have been left to right).
Ich entschuldige mich bei denjenigen, die dieses Rätsel bereits versucht haben. Danke an Leonard Hal für den Hinweis auf den Fehler in meinen Regeln bezüglich der Summe der Liniensegmente (ich hatte rechts nach links, wo es links nach rechts hätte sein sollen).
am 8. Februar 2023, 19:11 Uhr von Ryx
So sorry, corrected rules regarding line segment totals.
am 8. Februar 2023, 18:37 Uhr von Leonard Hal
It seems that the sums of box123/56/89 are increasing from left to right(which you said "from right to left" )
@ Leonard Hal - I got about three paragraphs into explaining this .... then realized you are right. I AM SO SORRY. I meant they increase moving to the right, so that should have been from left to right.
am 8. Februar 2023, 17:58 Uhr von Ryx
Added example / Beispiel hinzugefügt
am 1. Februar 2023, 07:05 Uhr von Fisherman
Is r5c9 less than Z?
@Fisherman - r5c9 is greater than Z