Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 27. Januar 2023, 21:39 Uhr von olima)

Salvete, amici atque amicae!
Ein weiteres Puzzle mit den FOW-Regeln, bei dem ein Teil des Rätsels erst erscheint, wenn man richtige Werte einsetzt. Viel Spaß bei der Fortsetzung von "Nebula Germaniam tegit."

Normale Sudoku-Regeln gelten.
Entlang grüner Linien unterscheiden sich Werte um mindestens 5.
Die römischen Zahlzeichen X/V zeigen an, dass zwei Zellen zu 10/5 sich addieren. Alle X/V-Hinweise sind gegeben, aber vielleicht im Nebel.

Hier spielen! .

Lösungscode: Zeile 5 Spalte 5

Gelöst von SKORP17, Uhu, Banana, bjoulv, Perladel, Julianl, pookster, AvonD, Las4one, h5663454, Calvinball, nmmc123, Jagga, dskaff, Bjd, ordnanceordinance, amarins, dodomos, mse326, brandon_bot, ... haakon, tgstar, Arne, stefhoer, aerithtransport, karalysis, MrWhite2020, xtmacxattack, qinqi, jiongdai, SolidTux, Vegan_warior, BakBak, CrypticFunkies, naggy, Swesie, gollum999, ArmagedDan
Komplette Liste


am 25. Dezember 2023, 15:36 Uhr von Virux
Very nice. Took longer than it should. A little trouble reading the box 8 situation.

am 20. Oktober 2023, 11:27 Uhr von ark29
Really nice puzzle. Got a bit stuck at two places (revealing fog into box 8 and then into box 6.) But managed to do it. New to variant sudoku so I'm pretty pleased. Took me 55 minutes.

am 2. September 2023, 20:58 Uhr von cascadeshiker
I really enjoyed that. Thanks. It was consistently just about the right level of difficulty for me.

am 12. März 2023, 04:56 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Nice and fun puzzle, thanks!
(also I’m glad to be the 200th solver of this one :} )

am 7. Februar 2023, 00:36 Uhr von Buggy
Very Great Puzzle with a little extra Challenge Took me 30 Minutes with 1 mistake

am 5. Februar 2023, 07:36 Uhr von Klausku
That was really beautiful. Literally lightening up the green path. Loved it. Thank you.

am 4. Februar 2023, 23:19 Uhr von peep50183
Very nice, thank you :D

am 1. Februar 2023, 16:31 Uhr von bryanfrobs
What a beautiful FoW puzzle. Enjoyed every step of the solve. Thank you!

am 30. Januar 2023, 00:22 Uhr von Christounet
First FOW i did together with my son, and we enjoyed that very much ! Lovely negative constraint. Thanks.

am 29. Januar 2023, 18:45 Uhr von Nordy
Awesome! A wide variety of logic and surprising steps

am 29. Januar 2023, 06:58 Uhr von olima
Thank you all very much for the kind comments.

am 28. Januar 2023, 23:15 Uhr von Ragna
What a gorgeous FOW puzzle!
With a clear - non foggy - ruleset.
Thank you for sharing, olima! :-))

am 28. Januar 2023, 22:33 Uhr von Wonderment
Stunning puzzle. That is what fog of war is made for.

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Januar 2023, 02:57 Uhr

am 28. Januar 2023, 02:57 Uhr von Calvinball
Fantastic! I had an easier time with this than I did with Nebula, that's probably due to how much I excelled in that puzzle at ignoring negative constraints.

Thanks for taking the time to set this!

am 28. Januar 2023, 00:31 Uhr von Perladel
I struggled a bit with the logic in the lower part of the grid, but in the end it was really rewarding. Very nice!

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:382 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal


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