Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Thermo variant #47: Hotter by the Decade

(Eingestellt am 6. März 2023, 14:00 Uhr von djorr)

I've made a few thermo variants. All are standard thermo sudokus + an extra rule. Check out the others using the following link:

Thermo Variant Series puzzles

Rules: Normal sudoku rules apply. Along thermometers, digits must increase from the bulb end.

Variant: Digits along each thermometer must sum to a multiple of 10 (either 10, 20, 30 or 40).

F-puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=2gyg59of
SudokuPad link: https://tinyurl.com/45x5rsjn

Lösungscode: Row 9 Column 9 (18 digits, no spaces)

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von SimiC, SKORP17, jalebc, zuzanina, SenatorGronk, rockratzero, hige, efnenu, Bjd, Azumagao, Nylimb, AvonD, GorgeousNicko, msbjowmx1, asver, hannahh, lianarox, terrible_casserole, cbrown92, Marcos, ... Montinox, avishai, Ragna, heliosfant, Askloomok, galgamer, Irithelion, karen_birgitta, Julianl, Titonious, Jan_Feldmann, bolado, Saskia, Felis_Timon, lovely, PippoForte, larinae, radium, Vebby, Uhu
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Zuletzt geändert am 7. März 2023, 00:37 Uhr

am 7. März 2023, 00:30 Uhr von GorgeousNicko
I think this might be the first one of yours that I have actually managed to complete. Nice work - but greater kudos to you for setting it :)
Thank you GorgeousNicko! And well done on the puzzle :D

Zuletzt geändert am 7. März 2023, 00:36 Uhr

am 6. März 2023, 18:31 Uhr von rockratzero
Brilliant little puzzle, although I needed to lean heavily on a sums chart to understand the ramifications of the thermos geometries. Well constructed!
Thanks rockratzero :) glad you liked it!

Bewertung:87 %
Gelöst:46 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

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