Every row, column and region contains digits 1-9. Regions are to be determined by the solver. Every regions is a snake, a one cell wide path of orthogonally connected cells that does not branch or contain a 2x2 block of cells.
Cells a chess knight's move apart cannot contain the same digit.
Grey lines are palindromes, which read the same in both directions.
Each circled cell contains a digit matching the total number of cells from its own region that are visible in its own row and column combined (including itself), with region borders blocking vision.
Solution code: Find the region that contains the cell at row 3 column 9 (R3C9 is at the right edge near top). Follow that region up and left to its one end. Then write down the digits along the region until you reach the other end. (9 digits)
on 21. January 2023, 17:52 by lepton
Added clarification on visibility rule and eliminated some white dots that wasn't needed to solve.
on 21. January 2023, 12:14 by kroutu
@lepton : basically, the word visible isn't needed : same row/column and same region and no cell from another region in between