Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Yin-Yang Sight Lines

(Eingestellt am 16. Januar 2023, 16:00 Uhr von Blobz)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Shade some cells such that all shaded cells are orthogonally connected and all unshaded cells are orthogonally connected and no 2x2 area may be fully shaded or unshaded.

White dots lie on the border between the shaded and unshaded regions. Additionally, white dots separate consecutive digits. Not all possible dots are shown.

Digits in caged cells show the number of cells of the same color (shaded or unshaded) seen orthogonally from that position, including itself. The "other" color blocks vision.

Have fun, leave a comment if you enjoy the puzzle!

Play this puzzle on SudokuPad

YYSL Puzzle Series **A collaboration with FullDeck, Missing a Few Cards, and Ms Blobz

Lösungscode: Row 4 followed by Row 6

Zuletzt geändert am 8. August 2024, 06:41 Uhr

Gelöst von Steven R, Akaro, Mrtn, drbs, timotab, Jesper, efnenu, thoughtbyte, marcmees, AvonD, rmdriskill, kjholt, mathpesto, Dag H, Propargyl, Greg, minglee, Askloomok, jkuo7, Beanie, madhupt, DVFrank, Franjo, ... lune, fly, massiah3100, Zeddecks, unlogical, BabyfacedBard, ratolibre, Druselbert, koiking, by81996672, kurako, ignigomoreno, Tommymanners, Nick Smirnov, NEWS, zrbakhtiar, goldennumber, k2u5as
Komplette Liste


am 28. Juli 2024, 18:30 Uhr von wuc
I love the YY rule. Looking foreward to tackle the whole series. Thanks for sharing.

am 10. November 2023, 10:36 Uhr von elpadrinoIV
I started with YYSL X-Sums. Now I want to do all your YY sudokus. Just us the other one, amazing job. Thanks!

am 5. Oktober 2023, 17:59 Uhr von LeaVulpina
I tried this months ago and gave up when I couldn't do it. I'm so glad I came back to it though, because this was a really fun solve!

am 2. September 2023, 13:40 Uhr von mayflower
This took me two hours, but I am so glad I persevered through it, because it was such a joy to solve. The way the different constraints combined felt so natural, and I was never stuck for too long, even though it was really well-crafted logic. Thanks for sharing this!

am 27. Januar 2023, 04:15 Uhr von Calvinball
Thank you, thank you, and thank you. It was a privilege to solve this puzzle.

Thanks for taking the time to set this!

am 19. Januar 2023, 15:32 Uhr von Wonderment
I love this puzzle. Such a fun ruleset.

Zuletzt geändert am 24. März 2023, 18:13 Uhr

am 19. Januar 2023, 01:14 Uhr von picoton
yin yang and sudoku fit really well together. i wish there were more puzzles with this ruleset!
YYSL-2 published Feb 10th.
Y1n-Y9ng SL Star Battle published Mar 24th.

Zuletzt geändert am 24. März 2023, 18:13 Uhr

am 18. Januar 2023, 03:11 Uhr von szabog
Thank you, it is a very clever ruleset, I would solve more like this.
YYSL-2 published Feb 10th.
Y1n-Y9ng SL Star Battle published Mar 24th.

am 17. Januar 2023, 13:05 Uhr von Snookerfan
Lovely puzzle, smooth all the way through! Thank you

am 17. Januar 2023, 10:44 Uhr von madhupt
Very nice puzzle. The flow of logic was very smooth.

am 17. Januar 2023, 03:02 Uhr von mathpesto
Had a lot of fun solving this one, very clever ruleset :)

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:179 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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