Lösungscode: The last column of the puzzle
am 5. Februar 2025, 02:21 Uhr von MattYDdraig
Anti-king, anti-knight shenanigans would have been way over my head when this was published, but now made for a quick snack. Time is strange.
am 15. Januar 2024, 04:48 Uhr von Nordy
That was super cool! That lonely 3 in Row 8 did some wonderful things
am 30. Oktober 2023, 17:32 Uhr von Fra314
What a cool puzzle! Neat idea and great execution. Awesome!
am 27. Dezember 2022, 12:51 Uhr von Rollo
Seh ich das richtig, das Rätsel könnte auch 123456789 mit einer 8 auf Z8S3 heißen? Oder hat die Reihenfolge der Ziffern doch eine Bedeutung?
am 26. Dezember 2022, 06:19 Uhr von Puzzlers100
Took me a bit of time to figure out the break in, but after that it flowed nicely. I'm glad that CTC shows when you mess up the antiknight and antiking, because I would have messed that up somewhere.