Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits in cells connected by a V sum to 5. Digits in cells connected by a black dot are in the ratio 2:1. Digits in cells connected by a white dot are consecutive. On the borders of cages, if there should be a black dot or V, it must be there.
Once completed, the sum of the cage represents that letter in the alphabet. Read in normal English reading order, each horizontal block (rows 123, 456, 789) spells out a word that forms a location in what3words.
Previous Puzzle
Final Puzzle
Solution code: The location in what3words (no spaces or punctuation)
on 26. December 2022, 18:54 by shinggaming
You can solve the puzzle with pure logic.
on 25. December 2022, 05:46 by asp1310
Are you meant to use the fact cages spell out a word in the solve (to work out what the totals of cages may be), or is it a purely logical Sudoku?