Linear Thinking
(Eingestellt am 19. Dezember 2022, 19:56 Uhr von jwsinclair)
This is a puzzle from the latest volume of my newsletter,
Artisanal Sudoku. I publish five new puzzles every week, and I try to keep them fairly approachable—this is one of the tougher ones, and it's not monstrous by LMD standards, I don't think. Enjoy!
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Digits cannot repeat along the marked diagonals.
Purple lines contain a non-repeating set of consecutive digits in any order.
Along green lines, digits must differ from their neighbors by at least 5.
On thermometers, digits increase from the bulb.
Digits in cells separated by a white dot are consecutive.
SudokuPad |
Lösungscode: row 6 (9 characters, no spaces)
Gelöst von Megalobrainiac, jalebc, Mumsen, Mrtn, AvonD, kublai, sredoriv, LehanLehan, Leira, Elliott810, AleixRoca, zorant, gonzalez87, galium_odoratum, SKORP17, MB_Cyclist, jhuijts, StopAndChat, Nairi, ... doomedmageknight, CrippledLamp, ikaikaw, asii, RebelSystem, Uhu, JayBird, moss, cbattles, Krisonium, Virux, Unknown, HighEagle, PinkNickels, dendrobium, NeilGirdhar, phs, megabat, JetTong, k2u5as
am 1. Mai 2024, 20:18 Uhr von Virux
So good! Lovely logic all the way to the end!
am 29. Dezember 2022, 20:40 Uhr von sacklunch
Another great puzzle from @jwsinclair! Thank you for setting :)
am 21. Dezember 2022, 18:55 Uhr von Leoninus
Great fun! I loved the ways that the clues ricochet around the grid.
Zuletzt geändert am 20. Dezember 2022, 20:32 Uhram 20. Dezember 2022, 11:37 Uhr von wilsig
Very nice indeed
Zuletzt geändert am 20. Dezember 2022, 04:08 Uhram 19. Dezember 2022, 22:13 Uhr von Elliott810
Beautiful puzzle! For me more a 3/5 difficulty. Thanks:)