Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Lying Japanese Cavescraper Ring

(Eingestellt am 15. Dezember 2022, 03:02 Uhr von KNT)

Place some numbers from 1 to 7 in the unshaded area of the grid such that all numbers in the unshaded area are orthogonally connected, and all orthogonally connected groups of empty cells touch either the inner or outer boundary of the ring. A number must not repeat in any row or column of the unshaded area.

Clues outside the grid indicate the sums of connected groups of numbers in the respective row or column. For each row or column, one of the two provided sets of clues is wholly meaningless and can be ignored. The other provides the complete set of clues for the row or column, but if more than one number is listed, the sums given must not be in order of appearance.

The numbers from 1 to 4 must be placed once each in every row and column of the inner shaded area. Treat each number N as a building of height N. A number placed in the unshaded area that lies adjacent to the shaded area indicates the number of buildings seen in the shaded area from that direction, where taller buildings hide shorter buildings.



Lösungscode: Row 8, Column 1, S for empty cells

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Juli 2024, 17:33 Uhr

Gelöst von polar, Koalagator2, Jesper, marcmees, Myxo, MagnusJosefsson, Vebby, ONeill, PrimeWeasel, Niverio, jkuo7, ch1983, cmb, rhinofifteen, RJBlarmo, Statistica, harrison, AnnaTh, ascension, dunder, ibag, Alex, lerroyy, Gliperal, ffricke, misko, wooferzfg, Martijn314, Jaych, Nensche777, pandiani42, Agent, Piatato, Nick Smirnov, h5663454, Christounet, tuturitu, Paletron, Sewerin, Canyun
Komplette Liste


am 10. Juni 2024, 10:54 Uhr von Christounet
Very nice "warm up" puzzle ! Now let me go back to the other one and try it for the third time...

am 28. Januar 2024, 21:53 Uhr von Piatato
Wonderful, looking forward to trying the big one as well!

Zuletzt geändert am 1. September 2023, 21:34 Uhr

am 31. August 2023, 15:14 Uhr von wildbush7
Can the sum clues span the inner grey area?


Hi @wildbush7, yes, they can.

am 28. April 2023, 02:31 Uhr von wooferzfg
Wow, that was really awesome

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Dezember 2022, 21:46 Uhr

am 26. Dezember 2022, 09:41 Uhr von AnnaTh
Wonderful puzzle! The grid reminds me of some of ibags very early puzzles on the portal which I also recommend highly.


If you are referring to ID=0001XI, this indeed draws inspiration from it :). I completely agree, all of her Japanese Sum puzzles are incredible.

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Dezember 2022, 04:03 Uhr

am 19. Dezember 2022, 04:02 Uhr von KNT

For the purposes of the cave, the inner 4x4 does not exist, that is, the cave cannot connect through the center.

So to explicitly answer your question, no, it is not like the sums, which may travel through the middle of the grid.

am 18. Dezember 2022, 12:35 Uhr von cmb
Great introduction.
Well-chosen clues.

am 18. Dezember 2022, 10:25 Uhr von polar

Each row and column are independent from each other as to which side has the incorrect order and which has the incomplete/incorrect sum(s). Also, incomplete in this case means a side may have too many clues as well.

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Dezember 2022, 16:49 Uhr

am 18. Dezember 2022, 05:32 Uhr von rhinofifteen
Clarification question: With the "on one side clues are..." does the polarity or outcome of one row affect the other rows? e.g. If R1 has the incorrect order on the left and the incorrect value on the right, does that mean all rows necessarily have the incorrect order on the left and the incomplete/incorrect hint on the right?

Thanks! It's a fun puzzle already but I can tell it and the big one will take some time!

Thanks! That helps a lot!

am 15. Dezember 2022, 21:00 Uhr von PrimeWeasel
Treacherous mini minefield

am 15. Dezember 2022, 17:17 Uhr von ONeill
Wonderful puzzle!

am 15. Dezember 2022, 13:04 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Great puzzle! Really looking forward to the bigger one!

am 15. Dezember 2022, 11:34 Uhr von Myxo
The hardest puzzle of all time. On a serious note, great job!

am 15. Dezember 2022, 10:37 Uhr von marcmees
I made quite a number of beginners mistakes. Glad this is just an example :-). I feel I'm ready now for the "real" one. thanks

am 15. Dezember 2022, 07:23 Uhr von Koalagator2
Fantastic puzzle! Can't wait for the full version.

am 15. Dezember 2022, 04:25 Uhr von polar
Enjoyed that example a lot - the lack of cipher allows for a much smoother introduction thanks :)

Zuletzt geändert am 15. Dezember 2022, 04:23 Uhr

am 15. Dezember 2022, 02:55 Uhr von KNT
I typically am not too sentimental about puzzles, but the follow up puzzle to this, is, without question, my favorite creation to date. Setting the puzzle consumed a great portion of my November and I am exceedingly happy with almost all aspects of it.

This example should be a very smooth 3 star ride, but I have listed this as 4 because the concept of incorrectly ordered Japanese Sums may feel unfamiliar. I hope you enjoy this, and decide to give the follow up a try :)

Bewertung:99 %
Gelöst:40 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal

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