Lösungscode: Row 1
am 23. Juli 2023, 02:35 Uhr von PinkNickels
Such a fun puzzle. Really enjoyed it. Can't really go wrong with knights move combined with killers or kropkis or whispers! thank you!
am 30. Juni 2023, 07:42 Uhr von JesseNate
Thanks for sharing. This puzzle was a great introduction to little killer for me. Colouring definitely helped with the solve on this one. Lovely puzzle.
am 23. Dezember 2022, 01:19 Uhr von sacklunch
Loved this one, thank you!
am 8. Dezember 2022, 15:37 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this enjoyable puzzle, ivansingo! My solve went smooth and quickly. Maybe I was lucky to look into the right spots at the right time, but the different clues seemed to work together very nicely. Superb setting!
am 7. Dezember 2022, 14:54 Uhr von nunc
Great title, great puzzle.Thank you!
am 6. Dezember 2022, 20:35 Uhr von Nicholas Roberts
Really neat puzzle. Needed some thinking to break in.
Thanks for sharing.