Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Once I Caught a Fish Alive...

(Published on 29. November 2022, 12:42 by Abdul the Killer)

-- A Beginner's Guide to This Sort of Thing --

Cells containing values exactly one greater than an immediate neighbour (diagonally or orthogonally) in their box are shaded. All the shaded cells are given.

Otherwise standard Sudoku rules apply.

Play on CTC

Solution code: Row 5

Last changed on on 20. December 2022, 12:42

Solved by zorant, cegie, dBass, Yerui, Luaryo, nmmc123, SKORP17, majestic spork, sacklunch, DetroitPiston, aaalexx, bernhard, marcmees, Wlam, Raistlen, dskaff, Uhu, jhuijts, chain.reader, saskia-daniela, ... Jodelbanane, larinae, pms_headache, Slink, timww572, Shuhua Milk, Isfan, Montikulum, frankpujo, liushong, rsadri, isajo4002, toboed, sandmoppe, tiredsudoku, morgannamodeaura, Schnugs
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on 19. May 2023, 04:01 by Mangochicken
I was in the middle of typing out a comment about not knowing how the 4 in box 4 could fit in and allow the 2 to also be in a valid spot, but while typing that out i had a brainwave which opened up the entire puzzle. This is a very fun variant, flowed very nicely once you get the understanding of the rule down

Last changed on 11. May 2023, 02:36

on 10. May 2023, 22:38 by erik
Ok so coming over here to understand the shading rule.

Talk to me about the given 2 in box 5. What are the valid placements for the 1 in box 5? Only unshaded cells in box 5 that touch the 2?
--YES : ATK--
So turning to box 1. The three shaded cells must obey the greater by one rule. So a "run" of say 7-8-9 would be validly shaded provided a 6 was in an unshaded box touching the 7? Or????
--If I understand you correctly, YES. Of course there are many such possibilities. ATK--

Apologies if I'm just being slow to "get" the rule.

--- No apology necessary, it's a hard rule to express concisely, and the implications for the solver are relatively subtle (and for you brand new).

Let me ask you a potentially useful question: where might the 2 go in box 6?
(And further, where could the 3 go in box 5?)

Thanks! Very helpful, so 2 in box 6 has to be touching 3 and cannot go in row 6 so must go between the 3-and-4 in row 5.

In box 5, the 3 has to go in the lower right corner of the box because it is ruled out of row 5 and column 6 by regular sudoku. It cannot go in the lower left because then the lower left cell would need to be shaded (touching the 2). And it cannot go in row 6 col 7 because that is shaded and it is not touching the 2. So therefore row 7 col 7 is only spot for it.

Think I get it now.

Thank you!!! And yeah not a trivial rule set. May be worth having a small example posted for newbies.

on 26. March 2023, 06:54 by zrbakhtiar
maybe can emphasize IN THEIR BOX ONLY. anyway, great puzzle

Last changed on 5. January 2023, 13:47

on 5. January 2023, 13:23 by Rollo
Tolle Idee, davon werde ich noch ein paar ausprobieren :-).

Danke @Rollo, freut mich, dass es dir gefallen hat. -- ATK

Last changed on 7. December 2022, 13:46

on 4. December 2022, 03:43 by chain.reader
This was both absolutely brilliant and brutal ... I kept confusing myself with trying to find the next digit form the prespective of the lower one, but the relationship only goes down, not up.

Glad you liked it, thanks for the kind comment - ATK

Rating:90 %
Solved:73 times
Observed:10 times

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