Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killer Artsis

(Eingestellt am 2. Januar 2023, 14:00 Uhr von djorr)

Hey, this looks familiar! Maybe you've seen this setup before?

Rules: Normal sudoku rules apply. In cages, digits cannot repeat and must sum to the number in the top left corner of the cage. Purple lines must contain a set of consecutive non-repeating digits, written in any order.

F-puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=2pfcfrjd
SudokuPad link: https://tinyurl.com/233pkbxr

Lösungscode: Row 9 Column 8 (18 digits, no spaces)

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Januar 2023, 17:29 Uhr

Gelöst von SimiC, Megalobrainiac, asver, Calvinball, TheRiddler, Steven R, cdwg2000, SKORP17, Prince Joffrey, Chelo, Piatato, Aja_Scopy, BellBear, jalebc, galium_odoratum, achim-t, Sonki, Ragna, sujoyku, AvonD, ... Jdt112, NineK, josemadre, PippoForte, SXH, apendleton, Just me, bolado, mang0, PinkNickels, P12345, flaemmchen, lmdemasi, Gotroch, zrbakhtiar, Vebby, valle1124, mezkur7, augsod, Snow the Jam Man
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 23. Juli 2023, 18:01 Uhr

am 23. Juli 2023, 03:15 Uhr von PinkNickels
Absolutely brilliant setting. So fun!!
Thank you so much PinkNickels! :)

Zuletzt geändert am 25. Januar 2023, 05:09 Uhr

am 25. Januar 2023, 04:53 Uhr von wooferzfg
Quite a bit easier than the one with whispers, but just as nice :)
I agree! I think 2.5* vs 3.5* if only we could do half stars ;) thanks woofer as always!

Zuletzt geändert am 3. Januar 2023, 01:38 Uhr

am 2. Januar 2023, 23:25 Uhr von econtrout
Lovely Puzzle.Thanks!
Thanks again econtrout :)

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Januar 2023, 21:04 Uhr

am 2. Januar 2023, 20:02 Uhr von SirRand
A very nice puzzle. I'm still not used to the consecutive digits "in any order". This boggles my mind and I keep coming up with flawed logic based on the start-end of the line.
Thanks for setting the puzzle.
Thank you for solving and well done SirRand! I know what you mean, it definitely takes practice haha.

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Januar 2023, 21:03 Uhr

am 2. Januar 2023, 18:49 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this beautiful puzzle, djorr! The interaction of renbans and killer cages was great fun to figure out.
Thank you sujoyku! Always appreciate your comments :)

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Januar 2023, 17:17 Uhr

am 2. Januar 2023, 16:13 Uhr von Prince Joffrey
Nice, liked it even more than the green line setup. Thanks
Thanks Prince Joffrey! Yeah this one's a bit easier imo.

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:124 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

