Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

[Fog of War Series] 8. A Trip Through Advanced Classic Techniques

(Eingestellt am 16. November 2022, 14:58 Uhr von AstralSky)

This puzzle is made to showcase some of the advanced solving techniques in a Classic sudoku.
  • Note: This puzzle works a little different than regular FoW puzzles: Not all cells will illuminate its surrounding cells when entered correctly, as a result, answer check will not work.
  • Rules: Normal pencilmarks sudoku rules apply.Cells with given pencilmarks are the only remaining possibilities for that cell. Some cells have pencilmarks given in custom text under the fog, these cells are colored green in case they`re overlapped by user pencilmarks.

    Play on CTC

Lösungscode: Row 8 then Column 5

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Februar 2023, 12:03 Uhr

Gelöst von cdwg2000, cegie, gige, vitaminz, StefanSch, Uhu, Snookerfan, Fool on Hill, Lizzy01, jovi_al, AvonD, asver, amarins, Raistlen, Jaych, damyan_rm, DiMono, Nicholas Roberts, Maroet, Playmaker6174, ... PippoForte, Terrapin, Sliark, rcg, xkbz0809, jkuo7, MusiKaiser, QuiltyAsCharged, Neb, SKORP17, CutiePancake, Knorkyy, Robbo, WvdWest, whtshername, CrippledLamp, MaxSmartable, Kekes, DagMT, belnovic
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 12. September 2023, 19:15 Uhr

am 12. September 2023, 19:10 Uhr von CutiePancake
This puzzle was okay, but so far in the series my least favourite. There's also the fact that the solution check isn't working on CtC. I don't know if it's something specific it searches for that I didn't do, like fully deleting old/given pencil marks, but I repeatedly got "uh oh, that doesn't look right", with no visual errors marked. I double checked and it fullfils all criteria of a normal sudoku (i.e 1-9 in each row/column/box) and clearly the solution code worked when I tried it here. I thought the solution checker might be wonky, and I figured that the likelihood of me having solved it wrong but getting the code row/column correct would be none. Maybe look into that, and try to either change the solution check or incorporate some information text explaining what needs to be done to make it work fully.

I'm rating this puzzle 2/5 star, while moving on with the rest of the series!

Bewertung:72 %
Gelöst:74 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Standardrätsel Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

