Normal 6x6 sudoku rules apply.
Any cell in the grid that is larger than ALL its orthogonally connected neighbors is a Summit cell. Clues outside the grid give the sum of the Summit cells in that row, column, or diagonal.
Grey cells are Base Camp cells, which are smaller than their orthogonally connected neighbors.
CTC/Sudokupad link
F-Puzzles link
4x4 Example Puzzle (cage clue gives sum of Summit cells within)
4x4 Example Solution
You may also want to check out the original 9x9 puzzle using the ruleset.
Lösungscode: 12 digit code: row 5 + column 5
am 15. November 2022, 01:25 Uhr von DJV
I enjoy this ruleset - but the 9x9 puzzle is beyond my ability at the moment!