Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Diwali Candle 2

(Eingestellt am 4. November 2022, 17:48 Uhr von Schwupel)

Small Disclaimer: I put this puzzle in as 2 star difficulty but it is probably somewhere inbetween 2 and 3. If you know "the secrets of Yin Yang" (as they are called on CTC) it should be doable.

- standard sudoku rules: digits 1-9 in each row, column, box
- standard yin yang rules: shade some cells in the grid such that all shaded and all unshaded cells are orthogonally connected and no 2x2 area is fully shaded or unshaded
- candles illuminate the grid and have to be unshaded. Additionally, a digit on a candle is equal to the number of consecutive unshaded cells (including itself) the candle sees in its row and column

Play Online:
if you cant see candles

Lösungscode: Column 3 from top to bottom followed by row 3 from left to right.

Gelöst von MohitR, tome_coelho, Jesper, Timofei, alwaysbcoding, gumby, Hazem-77, Gullie, cdwg2000, chameleon, PulverizingPancake, h5663454, jkuo7, ddx2407, marcmees, bernhard, Andyeka, Crusader175, mutex, ... Jodelbanane, Jubedu, PippoForte, kiwi0710, flyjim, Baklin, WvdWest, Tacosian, fca.felix.sudoku, humaLautema, Leilalu222, gUBBLOR, isajo4002, MaNCS, tess, trashghost, ryanprobably, karen_birgitta
Komplette Liste


am 5. November 2022, 13:12 Uhr von Andyeka
Easy shading but stuck a bit by the sudoku part. Yin Yang sudokus are my absolute favourite, thanks a lot for this one! :)

am 5. November 2022, 09:33 Uhr von marcmees
nice. thanks.

am 5. November 2022, 06:03 Uhr von ddx2407
A wonderful puzzle. So smooth. I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you, Schwupel!

am 5. November 2022, 00:21 Uhr von chameleon
The ying-yang/candle part of the puzzle is nice with lots of neat steps, and the sudoku part after it is exceptionally smooth. Thanks for a great puzzle! :)

am 4. November 2022, 18:36 Uhr von Jesper
Very fun puzzle, thanks!

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:56 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

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