Bilbo Bobbins Finds A Ring In Middle Earth
(Eingestellt am 27. Oktober 2022, 22:56 Uhr von fjam)
This puzzle is just a bit of fun. Nothing very challenging, but hopefully enjoyable.
- Normal Sudoku rules apply.
- Digits along thermometers must increase from the bulb end.
- Any set of three sequential cells along an orange line must contain a low (1,2,3), medium (4,5,6) and high (7,8,9) digit in any order.
- Cells separated by a white dot must contain consecutive digits. Cells separated by a black dot must contain digits with a ratio of 1:2. Not all dots are given.
Löse F-Puzzles
Löse CTC
Lösungscode: Zeile 4, Zeile 5
Zuletzt geändert am 9. März 2023, 22:17 Uhr
Gelöst von Crusader175, SKORP17, asver, arteful, yttrio, Piatato, ranhothchord, Fool on Hill, GorgeousNicko, Mrtn, crispy16, JamesRM, effervescentblizzard, AN_not_IO, AvonD, Spacy86, Nairi, PinkNickels, ... asii, PandaJester, moss, Sewerin, junho1105, BlackWolf, duckling, Utael, Christounet, k2u5as, Mikemerin, morgannamodeaura, forsen, koiking, finger, MrWhite2020, tgstar, Exigus, edwinap, richliaofs
am 8. Juni 2024, 12:12 Uhr von Christounet
One dot to rule them all. Precious.
am 1. November 2022, 00:40 Uhr von PrimeWeasel
No orcs or trolls on the road make for a fun solve.
am 30. Oktober 2022, 01:11 Uhr von Snaques
Very fun and not too difficult.
am 28. Oktober 2022, 01:22 Uhr von JamesRM
It's mine, I finds it!
am 27. Oktober 2022, 23:03 Uhr von Crusader175
Very fun puzzle!