Lösungscode: Row 1 and Row 9
am 16. September 2024, 08:05 Uhr von cybers
Going thru your back catalogue a little, and this was really great! Thanks!
am 21. August 2024, 12:42 Uhr von ndsurgenor
Updated SudokuPad link to include solution check
am 4. Januar 2023, 09:41 Uhr von cahlroisse
This was incredibly fun. At first glance I thought it might be too difficult, but after some time thinking about how the logic would work I was able to get a foothold and it flowed very nicely throughout. There were several moments with deductions that felt very clever. I enjoyed it a lot.
REPLY: many thanks for this! - nds
am 3. Januar 2023, 21:51 Uhr von Bootenks
Awesome puzzle. I really enjoyed the journey.
Thanks for creating such art!
REPLY: thank you so much! - nds
am 29. Oktober 2022, 16:37 Uhr von GentlemanJim
I spent parts of multiple days banging this one out, making little mistakes, thinking I was never gonna get it. But gosh that was so satisfying to finish it. Very nice
REPLY: what a compliment that you kept at it despite it proving tough; many thanks for solving! - nds
am 24. Oktober 2022, 10:18 Uhr von zhall12570
This puzzle was so incredibly fun. One of my favorites in recent memory. It took me a few attempts because I was repeatedly making a silly mistake with respect to Knave placement. Great work!
REPLY: Wow, this is so good to read. Many thanks for taking the time to look at it! - nds
am 23. Oktober 2022, 18:44 Uhr von ScatterBrain
Thanks for the concept. It was tough work, but finally made it through!
EDIT: many thanks for keeping at it! - nds