Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 15. October 2022, 02:50 by wildhound007)

My 1st time constructing a miracle style sudoku. I hope that I did it justice.


Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits separated by Knight's move AND King's move (in chess) canot contain the same digit. Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in the center. Box 5 is a magic square; each row, column and diagonal sum to the same amount.

Solve it on F-Puzzles :

Solve it on CTC :

Solution code: Row 2 then Column 6 (18 digits)

Solved by ScatterBrain, cdwg2000, tryote, Ocean, Julianl, jcgodart, zorant, SKORP17, eddy, mos, brimmy, OhHeyGuysItsMax, AvonD, dyutin, farodin64, PinkNickels, LeLoyJenkins, jguer, abed hawila, Jaekpuzzle, jalebc, by81996672, Cliff, Uhu, Iluvsodah, nmmc123, pepe74287, PippoForte, KatiBru, Felis_Timon, flaemmchen, jadezki, Kenji769, Krisonium, Koba, annnz, morgannamodeaura
Full list


Last changed on 16. October 2022, 19:45

on 16. October 2022, 19:45 by PinkNickels
I agree this is likely 3* for most who aren't super familiar with anit-knight and anti-king, but these types of puzzles flow fairly easy for me, hence the short time of 15:04. Now if it was entropic or renban, might take 200 minutes :). Great puzzle--sounds from the comments it's your first miracle?! Well done!!

on 15. October 2022, 09:01 by tryote
Very nice!

on 15. October 2022, 06:54 by tryote
Very nice!

on 15. October 2022, 05:43 by ScatterBrain
Hey, great job! I wasn't easy, but you made a good puzzle. Thanks!

Rating:86 %
Solved:37 times
Observed:13 times

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