Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

X-Sums killer sudoku #2

(Eingestellt am 10. Oktober 2022, 21:08 Uhr von udukos)

Recently published puzzles from KNT and jovi_al inspired me to have another go at this ruleset.

Normal sudoku rules apply.

An area surrounded by a dashed line is called a cage. Digits may not repeat within a cage. The numbers outside the grid are X-Sums clues. They indicate the sum of the first X cells in the row/column from that direction, where X is the first number in that row/column.

A double-digit X-Sums clue inside of a cage prevents both of its digits from appearing anywhere else in the cage (this does mean 11, 22, 33, and 44 are disallowed as X-Sums clues, as those would repeat digits in a cage). A double-digit X-Sums clue may include zero (10, 20, 30, and 40 are valid X-Sums clues).

Links to the puzzle for solving online: Penpa plus or CTC

Have fun! :)

Lösungscode: Row 5 Column 5

Gelöst von Jesper, MagnusJosefsson, Vebby, AvonD, ONeill, bigger, polar, dhv, Phistomefel, Dentones, harrison, rmn, bansalsaab, marcmees, lsw770770, tinounou, davidagg, Gnosis66, peacherwu2, Bluewhite, ... SSG, dogfarts, geronimo92, yttmssootuaykoh, Las4one, DillyK, PippoForte, michaal94, Uhu, Ineffabilis, Agent, Bankey, Puzpensu, by81996672, lerroyy, Paletron, Snookerfan, samuel1997, Steven R, steeto
Komplette Liste


am 21. November 2024, 17:29 Uhr von Steven R
Sensational! Flowed so smoothly

Zuletzt geändert am 14. November 2024, 19:39 Uhr

am 14. November 2024, 17:37 Uhr von Snookerfan
Great puzzle! Thank you very much. Some of your other older puzzles are not accessible anymore, could you maybe reupload them? Thanks in advance.


Thank you for the positive feedback. I have been planning to update all of my older puzzles. Hopefully, I can get it done soon.

am 5. Oktober 2023, 19:57 Uhr von Bankey
What an absolutely gorgeous puzzle. 5* seem to be too less for it. What looked impossible for the first one hour of staring on two previous abandoned attempts, started to slowly look a wee bit possible on the third, and yet it kept resisting until you reach the next aha moment. Pure joy. Thanks, @ udukos:). It is a miracle that this can even exist.

am 7. August 2023, 00:14 Uhr von Agent
Fantastic puzzle! A rare case where every single clue seems perfect.

am 30. November 2022, 14:53 Uhr von OGRussHood
Another mad puzzle that tickles my fancy.

am 31. Oktober 2022, 14:59 Uhr von cdwg2000
Very nice!

am 24. Oktober 2022, 15:04 Uhr von Piatato
Amazing puzzle, just incredibly well crafted. Thanks!

am 18. Oktober 2022, 20:42 Uhr von purpl
What can I say that hasn't already been said? Absolutely spectacular puzzle!

am 18. Oktober 2022, 17:35 Uhr von KNT
How the hell...

Instantly added to the favorites list. Wow wow wow. A miraculous construction with one of the most amazing solving paths I've experienced in a while. Thank you so much udukos, and I'm so glad I could inspire you to make this.

am 15. Oktober 2022, 10:29 Uhr von Fool on Hill
Wonderful puzzle - clean logic and some really nice deductions.

Note in case it helps anyone: Xenonetix in "A Mathematical Phenomenon" introduced me to a pencil-marking scheme for outside double digit numbers on the CtC app, which I found very useful here - corner marks for 10s digits and centre marks for units.

am 14. Oktober 2022, 09:51 Uhr von peacherwu2
Why would something like this could exist?

am 13. Oktober 2022, 07:00 Uhr von udukos
Thanks a lot for all the wonderful comments! :)

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Oktober 2022, 21:08 Uhr

am 11. Oktober 2022, 21:08 Uhr von marcmees
INcredible construction. lots of math till at one point it became smooth sailing. thanks.

am 11. Oktober 2022, 16:30 Uhr von bansalsaab
Wow. What a construction. Nice logical flow.

am 11. Oktober 2022, 10:09 Uhr von Phistomefel
I find it incredible that such a puzzle without cage totals even exists, let alone the beautiful solving path. Thanks a lot for this treat, udukos!

am 11. Oktober 2022, 08:36 Uhr von polar
Loved it! Thank you :)

am 11. Oktober 2022, 02:35 Uhr von ONeill
Such an incredible puzzle! It's quite unbelievable that no cage totals are given and it solves so smoothly. Great job :)

am 11. Oktober 2022, 00:17 Uhr von Vebby
Absolutely incredible! Brimming with brilliant deductions. Thanks for this treat, udukos! :D

am 10. Oktober 2022, 23:55 Uhr von MagnusJosefsson
Brilliant, just like your original puzzle! This one is very cohesive and consistent with a lot of great deductions all the way through. Very impressive!

am 10. Oktober 2022, 22:44 Uhr von Jesper
Great puzzle, very challenging!

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:58 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal

Rätselkombination Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

