Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sagittarius (Killer Sudoku ft. jovi_al)

(Eingestellt am 7. Oktober 2022, 01:39 Uhr von purpl)

A while back, jovi_al put a puzzle into CtC testing with a similar setup and I wanted to solve it, but it sat there in my queue for a little while until eventually someone told me it was apparently too hard. Later on, jovi_al put that same setup in the voice chat of the CtC discord and said she wasn't gonna make anything with it. I picked it up and once I understood what was going on, I started tinkering with it. I made a few good puzzles, made many bad puzzles, but eventually settled on something which was different from the puzzle you see here. After I had sent that puzzle around a bit, jovi_al asked if I could not publish it because she had an idea to use that opening. She made a puzzle, but when I tried to test solve it, we couldn't figure it out. However, we both really liked the core of what she added in, so we set out to use our combined abilities to finish this dang puzzle. Finally, we come to the puzzle you are presented with today. I really hope you enjoy it has been a long time coming :D Check out jovi_al's LMD page

tl;dr: me neither lol just do the puzzle


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits in cages cannot repeat and must sum to the total given.



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If you enjoyed this puzzle, consider leaving a rating and comment or better yet recommend it to your fellow solvers! I hope you do so for all the puzzles you enjoy ;)

I have a YouTube channel where we discuss puzzles and setting them. Including interviews of Phistomefel, Qodec, KNT, and jovi_al herself.

Lösungscode: Row 8 followed by column 2 (left to right, top to bottom, 18 digits, no spaces/commas)

Gelöst von SKORP17, Steven R, cdwg2000, AvonD, Vebby, Myxo, dhv, Gryllulus, thoughtbyte, lsw770770, Bjd, Ood, ademjaz, Piatato, Mad-Tyas, Snookerfan, abed hawila, A FOR BALL, nordloc, TheRiddler, Jesper, laky, ... Racteal, 99jau99, meixia, Snow the Jam Man, ddx2407, OGRussHood, dogfarts, zorant, PippoForte, Saskia, karen_birgitta, bolado, Tom-dz, humaLautema, PsychedelicCreature, EmX68, noodlehead, Just me
Komplette Liste


am 11. Oktober 2022, 17:28 Uhr von Christounet
Funny how the puzzle got harder after the first steps. Got stuck for a little bit until I realized I needed to put some color into this. Very clever construction !

am 9. Oktober 2022, 22:46 Uhr von twototenth
Gorgeous; significantly more intricate than I expected at first, but a joy at every step.

am 7. Oktober 2022, 21:17 Uhr von Perladel
I loved the logics of the cages in the central box. A true masterpiece

am 7. Oktober 2022, 20:00 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Lovely puzzle! Took a while to figure out some of the weird tricks in this one, but they're wonderful to see :)

am 7. Oktober 2022, 18:59 Uhr von a2k
Great one!

am 7. Oktober 2022, 17:12 Uhr von DaniK
Very good puzzle! I really enjoyed it :)

am 7. Oktober 2022, 13:08 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very pretty and lovely puzzle, thank you!

am 7. Oktober 2022, 11:51 Uhr von Piatato
Really nice puzzle, as one could only expect from that preface :-)

am 7. Oktober 2022, 11:50 Uhr von ademjaz

am 7. Oktober 2022, 08:40 Uhr von thoughtbyte
Fantastic, thanks!

am 7. Oktober 2022, 04:19 Uhr von Vebby

am 7. Oktober 2022, 03:04 Uhr von cdwg2000
Very nice!

Zuletzt geändert am 7. Oktober 2022, 02:23 Uhr

am 7. Oktober 2022, 02:15 Uhr von Steven R
Gorgeous! All those puzzle iterations paid off.

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:73 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

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