Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 5. Oktober 2022, 20:46 Uhr von Dathan)

This is my first published puzzle: Forte. I hope you like it!


- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Killer sudoku: Digits in cages must sum to the small digit in the top left corner.
- Region sum line: On every blue line, the digits must have an equal sum N within each box the line passes through.
- Non-consecutive: Additionally, every cell that is on a region sum line can not have a consecutive digit in any orthogonally adjacent cell.

Non-consecutive examples: R2C7 is on the blue line and affected by the constraint so it can not have a consecutive digit in R1C7, R2C6, R2C8 or R3C7.
R2C8 is not on the line and not affected by the constraint so it could have a consecutive digit in R1C8, R2C9 and R3C8. (But not in R2C7 because that is on the line so it would be broken)

Solve it on f-puzzles | Solve it on CTC (Includes solution)

Lösungscode: Column 2 and 8 top to bottom (18 digits, no spaces)

Zuletzt geändert am 15. Oktober 2022, 09:54 Uhr

Gelöst von Chelo, Steve360, Uhu, SKORP17, belfieldtj, dskaff, deltameth, ademjaz, elshan, AvonD, pepu273, brandon_bot, cbjenkins, tobymgk, lmtierney, rpearl, obi, Ye Nay Myo Han, cdwg2000, Nairi, ashwin, ... rav, ArnulfKoch, FlashZange, dingledork, asii, Kirra, Krisonium, trashghost, MaxSmartable, radium, fca.felix.sudoku, Suxamethonium, Kekes, Lodinn, Montikulum, Roberto, morgannamodeaura, augsod
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am 15. Oktober 2022, 09:54 Uhr von Dathan
Clarified the non-consecutive rule with 2 examples.

am 15. Oktober 2022, 09:48 Uhr von Dathan
Thanks tallytarik! That's a good idea yeah, I'll add examples.

am 15. Oktober 2022, 07:24 Uhr von tallytarik
Thanks for the nice puzzle! I was also a bit confused by the non-consecutive restriction and had to check the comments. Maybe an example in the rules would help?

am 12. Oktober 2022, 14:41 Uhr von Dathan
Well I worded it like this in the rules:

"every cell that is on a region sum line can not have a consecutive digit in any orthogonally adjacent cell."

The 'any orthogonally adjacent cell' means it also can't have consecutive digits adjacent off the blue lines. I don't know how to make that clearer.

The note below the rules is there to make sure people who see a bolded 'Non-consecutive' and skip the text don't think the entire grid is non-consecutive. And it's true, cells that are not on the blue line don't follow the constraint (so they could have a consecutive digit adajacent to it)

am 12. Oktober 2022, 14:35 Uhr von chain.reader
Currently the rules say this:
""Please note that only cells on the blue lines are constrained by the non-consecutive rule!""

But, down in the comments Obi mentions otherwise. Please fix the ruleset to clarify.

Without the constrain affecting non-blueline cells this gets stuck fairly quickly.
Good luck figuring out how to word it :P

am 7. Oktober 2022, 23:46 Uhr von Dathan
Thank you Rhodri!

am 7. Oktober 2022, 22:41 Uhr von rhodri
Loved this. Great work.

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Oktober 2022, 16:45 Uhr

am 7. Oktober 2022, 20:31 Uhr von Dathan
Thanks Perladel and Baklin! :)

am 7. Oktober 2022, 19:50 Uhr von Baklin
I found this very hard and gave up the first time. But after reading the rules again I finally understood them at it was that hard after all. Thanks for this fun puzzle.

am 7. Oktober 2022, 19:32 Uhr von Perladel
This is a gem. Thanks for sharing it

am 7. Oktober 2022, 19:06 Uhr von Dathan
@wenchang Unfortunately I can't understand but thank you for the video, super cool!

am 7. Oktober 2022, 19:05 Uhr von wenchang
Nice and smooth! Spoiler alert!

am 7. Oktober 2022, 00:22 Uhr von Dathan
Haha, I definitely did the same thing while setting it. It really wants you to keep the non-consecutive logic going until it breaks.

am 7. Oktober 2022, 00:19 Uhr von Big Tiger
Oh, I know, that was my problem. This third time I had to say OUT LOUD: "ONLY the blue lines, only the blue lines" for many of my deductions.

Zuletzt geändert am 6. Oktober 2022, 23:33 Uhr

am 6. Oktober 2022, 23:31 Uhr von Dathan
@Big Tiger, Keep in mind that the non-consecutive rule only applies to the cells on the blue line! (And as Obi mentioned below, the constraint on those blue line cells includes orthogonal neighbors not on the blue line cells)

I think ruling out candidates from not blue line cells based on that rule is the only way to break it. Hope you can do it!

am 6. Oktober 2022, 23:28 Uhr von Big Tiger
Broken it twice now, one more try before I have to give up and do other things...

am 6. Oktober 2022, 15:12 Uhr von Dathan
@Will there are 3 seperate lines. The big S and the two smaller straight lines that go through it. :)

am 6. Oktober 2022, 14:58 Uhr von Will Power
@Dathan Are there three, two, or one line in this puzzle? Thank you.

am 6. Oktober 2022, 12:05 Uhr von Dathan
Thanks a lot Obi! Yeah with that interpretation of the rule you can't make a lot of progress. :p My original goal was to have a global non-consecutive constraint but I quickly learned that that does not work with the region sum line logic I intended for the break-in.

am 6. Oktober 2022, 06:00 Uhr von obi
Lovely, a great start! At first I thought that the non-consecutive constraint only applied to other cells also on a blue line, but once I realised that it included 'blank'/non-blue cells linked orthogonally to a blue-line cell, things moved quickly from there. Keep it up! :-)

Zuletzt geändert am 5. Oktober 2022, 22:52 Uhr

am 5. Oktober 2022, 22:50 Uhr von Dathan
Thank you so much Chelo!

Also: I made a small textual change in post, no change in the puzzle.

am 5. Oktober 2022, 21:26 Uhr von Chelo
Nice puzzle @Dathan, well done for your first time. Please keep on setting because you absolutely are on the right way!..

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:119 mal
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