Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Box Logic

(Eingestellt am 2. Oktober 2022, 20:27 Uhr von troptot)

Normal sudoku rules apply
Clues outside the grid show the sum of the first X digits in that row or column where X is the first digit
Any two adjacent cells in box x cannot sum to or have a difference of x (eg r7c5,r7c6 cannot be 26 or 19 because they would sum to or have a difference of 8, them being in box 8)


Lösungscode: Row 7

Gelöst von StefanSch, Uhu, Greg, absolutebeginner, SKORP17, efnenu, ScatterBrain, AvonD, brimmy, old thousand, zorant, Harold, ademjaz, Franjo, marcmees, cfop, Julianl, dontinterrupt, Hatseflats, farodin64, ... Residuensatz, Askloomok, mapleman, madcyantist, AN_not_IO, BlackApolloX, lsw770770, Crul, h5663454, ManuH, PippoForte, Felis_Timon, cbrown92, fca.felix.sudoku, karen_birgitta, morgannamodeaura
Komplette Liste


am 3. Oktober 2022, 20:40 Uhr von Florian Wortmann
Interesting rule that goes very well with x-sums.

am 3. Oktober 2022, 11:27 Uhr von Harold
Very nice puzzle with a new combination of rules for me, so fun to solve!

am 2. Oktober 2022, 23:54 Uhr von efnenu
An exercise in asking the right questions – I struggled, but the deductions in this puzzle are very beautiful and kept me going. Thank you!

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:40 mal
Beobachtet:16 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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