Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 25. September 2022, 04:47 Uhr von mormagli)

SudokuPad link (via tinyURL)
F-puzzles link

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Place the digits 1 through 9 in each empty cell. Digits must not repeat within the same row, column, or box.
Arrows: digits along the arrow sum to the circled digit; Region Sum: digits along each segment of the same blue sum to the same total (line segments are divided by region borders);
Renban: digits along a pink line form an unordered consecutive set of numbers (Note: there are two two-cell renban clues in box 1).

Lösungscode: Column 4 (from top to bottom)

Gelöst von Bjd, by81996672, Snookerfan, SKORP17, MonsieurTRISTE, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Johannes Quack, Garford, BlackApolloX, ghosting, PippoForte, heliopolix , SSG, Krisonium, karen_birgitta, jalebc, Bellsita, morgannamodeaura, DarthParadox, finger
Komplette Liste


am 22. März 2023, 18:22 Uhr von heliopolix
The stingray stung me quite a few times trying to catch it. Was a wild ride, and quite fun.

am 25. September 2022, 14:55 Uhr von Snookerfan
Great puzzle, very nice construction with some weird interactions. Thank you!

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:20 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

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