Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Funfair Of Variants

(Published on 21. September 2022, 08:06 by The Colonel)

This puzzle is solved in two stages. In the first stage, boxes 1-7 are solved individually using the box number and its two successors as digits, e.g. box 5 contains the digits 5, 6 and 7. In every box, every digit appears only once in each row and column. In the second stage, the solver must traverse through the grid row after row from left to right and top to bottom and eliminate every digit that would break normal sudoku rules. Every remaining digit from boxes 1-7 and the given digits in boxes 8 and 9 form a normal sudoku, i.e. the variant clues from stage one don't apply! In the picture there is an example for this process.

Variant rules:
Digits along an arrow must sum to the circled digit (Box 1)
Digits in cells separated by a V must sum to 5. (Box 2)
Digits in grey cells are either larger or smaller than every orthogonally connected cell. (Boxes 2, 6)
Digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb end. (Boxes 3, 5)
Digits in a grey circle must be odd. (Box 3)
Digits along a grey line must form a palindrome, i.e the number on the line must be same no matter the direction it is read from (Box 4)
Digits in cages must sum to the clue in the top left corner of the cage and must not repeat within the cage. (Boxes 4, 7)
Digits on a line with two circled endings must be in between the digits in the circles. (Box 5)

Solution code: Enter row 4 followed by column 7!

Last changed on on 21. September 2022, 08:07

Solved by marcmees, Arlo Lipof, efnenu, belfieldtj, Ceedrich, Dandelo, h5663454, shangchenxi123, akial, XhcnoirX, lsw770770, Guillem98, Cocoanut, Luaryo, JSmoove1099, Uhu, metacom, Kenji769, Raistlen, ... flaemmchen, Adenry, PatientMustard, Tolja, Bobimsome, zrbakhtiar, delstg, Felis_Timon, Dermerlin, jgarber, Crul, drf93, Thomster, saskia-daniela, ManuH, Arne, Cezarr, Dez256, Montikulum, Jodelbanane
Full list


on 4. September 2023, 16:12 by ManuH
Ich habe keine Idee, wie das zwischen Box 5 und 6 funktionieren soll. Oder gilt es nur innerhalb jeder Box?

"Digits in grey cells are either larger or smaller than every orthogonally connected cell"

on 27. January 2023, 22:10 by The Colonel
@delstg thank you

on 18. January 2023, 02:19 by delstg
Interesting concept :]

on 24. September 2022, 13:02 by Schesam
Very confusing ruleset. I think in CtC i would've enjoyed it more, the third try succeeded however!

on 21. September 2022, 08:07 by The Colonel

Rating:83 %
Solved:52 times
Observed:8 times

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