1. Standard Sudoku rules apply;
2.Standard Killer Sudoku rules:Digits are not repeated in the cage;
3. The average of all digits in each cage is an integer.And if there is a given number in the cage, the average number of the cage is equal to it; otherwise, the average number is not in the cage.
Here are some examples:
If there is a cage with three cells, and giving a number like "8", then this "8" is the average of these three digits in the cage, so the sum is 24 and only can fill this cage with "7,8 and 9"
If there is a cage with three cells, but it's blank, then "7,8 and 9" couldn't be fill in it, because the average is "8" didn't be given in that cage, but you can fill it like "1,2,6" or "1,2,9", Their average are "3" or "4" not including by themselves
Penpa link.Have fun solving!
CTC link. Have fun solving!
Solution code: Row 1, Column 4.
on 28. September 2024, 15:15 by Bankey
Tough but fun. Thanks, @ Lyun Licuss :).
on 23. September 2022, 16:31 by marcmees
very nice. thanks.
on 19. September 2022, 17:50 by Ragna
Wunderschön!!! :-)))
on 19. September 2022, 14:14 by ademjaz
Very beautiful logic!
on 19. September 2022, 14:12 by ademjaz
Very beautiful logic!