Colors War Sudoku 2
(Eingestellt am 17. September 2022, 00:00 Uhr von AstralSky)
This puzzle is an attempt to mix different logics into one puzzle, meanwhile limiting the number of colors and obvious hints. i believe every clue given play an important role in logically solving this puzzle. Hope you`ll enjoy the solving path :)
Added a new version of rules to avoid the identification of colors:
- Digits may not repeat in Cages, and Cages with the same letter must have the same sum.
- Outside clue tells you the relationship between some cages in that row or column. For example, an A-B=1 in a row means the sum of all cells that belong to cage A in that row is greater than the sum of all cells that beiong to cage B in that row by 1 .
Below is the original version of rules
1.Normal Sudoku rules apply.
2.Killer Cages of the same color have the same sum, and numbers may not repeat in cages.
3.Clues outside the grid indicates the difference between the sums of the Cell Color and Clue Color of that row/column, with the Clue Color sum being greater. (Example: The clue Blue 2 in a green cell of Row 3[R3C7] means the sum of blue cells in Row 3 is greater than that of green cells in Row 3[R3C12] by 2.) ( Or see example below)
Play on F-Puzzles
Play on CtC
Using Letters instead to represent outside clues:Play on CtC
- Below is an example
And here are the differences written in Verbal:
①[R3C7] is Greater than [R3C12] by 2.
②[R7C69] is greater than [R7C78] by 2. [R7C78] equals to [R7C1].
③[R8C4569] is greater than [R8C1237] by 1.
In case you want to solve a 6x6 version to get familiar with this puzzle type:
Colors War (6x6)
Lösungscode: Column 5
Zuletzt geändert am 13. Dezember 2022, 16:28 Uhr
Gelöst von lsw770770, bansalsaab
am 13. Dezember 2022, 16:21 Uhr von AstralSky
Added a new version of rules/ puzzle link to ease the solving.