Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Overlap (Run-On Renbans)

(Eingestellt am 8. September 2022, 17:38 Uhr von Skunkworks)


- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Black dots connect cells with digits in a ratio of 2:1.
- White dots connect cells with consecutive digits.
- Not all black or white dots are given (no negative constraint).
- Any sequence of five cells along the purple lines must contain a run of five consecutive digits in any order without repeats (like overlapping renban lines of length 5).
- Lines shorter than five cells must contain a run of consecutive digits in any order without repeats (regular renban lines).


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About the Sudoku Skunkworks. The Sudoku Skunkworks is a collective of Setters and Solvers committed to actively exploring new and existing rulesets and constraints. Our goal is to simply make Variant Sudoku Better. Every puzzle is based on ideas or concepts presented to the group, developed and tuned into a working concept and puzzle(s). Each puzzle is then pushed through a collaborative solve to validate a solid flow and solve path. The Skunkworks account will never be used to solve, rate or comment on other puzzles.

Lösungscode: Row 3 followed by Column 3. 18 Digits no spaces.

Zuletzt geändert am 8. September 2022, 21:11 Uhr

Gelöst von Niverio, SKORP17, Playmaker6174, Raumplaner, britboy3456, Chilly, Dentones, DadJokes, riffclown, Vebby, solidvoid, Perladel, derKrampus, Andrewsarchus, AvonD, cbjenkins, szy2120109, ridderjameson, ... OGRussHood, Innocuous, juventino188, mx-moth, BlueShifted, WallE-93, geronimo92, nunc, dogfarts, Sumyrda, PippoForte, michaal94, Uhu, ghosting, Wolwo, pkp, dennischen, karen_birgitta, Leilalu222
Komplette Liste


am 16. Oktober 2022, 22:05 Uhr von Sumyrda
Super nice puzzle. Thank you for sharing it.

am 11. September 2022, 10:58 Uhr von Crusader175
Very nice!

am 8. September 2022, 23:27 Uhr von Perladel
Once you get what is going on, it's actually quite straightforward. Anyway still a very clever and enjoyable puzzle!

am 8. September 2022, 18:48 Uhr von Chilly
Neat idea - with some new logic to play with. Enjoyed this one.

am 8. September 2022, 18:44 Uhr von britboy3456
Lovely puzzle, cool ruleset! Not *too* hard once I figured out the tricks of this ruleset. Would rate 2.5/5 difficulty if I could.

Zuletzt geändert am 8. September 2022, 18:06 Uhr

am 8. September 2022, 18:05 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Very cool idea with a very interesting solve!
While grasping the idea looks easy at first, trying to describe it semantically is not easy as I thought but once getting so, the solve becomes smooth and fun from there :)

am 8. September 2022, 17:40 Uhr von Niverio
I greatly enjoyed testing this, and it has indeed a few unique tricks in it :)

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:59 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal


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