I'm gonna take my time / I'm gonna do it right / Oh, push it up ♫
Somehow, non-consecutive Renban sudoku is both my bête noire and my white whale; this is not my first attempt at getting these two near-opposite constraints to bounce off each other, and it most likely won't be the last. Apologies to rmn & Vebby, who successfully solved said first back in March, but I'm replacing it with this puzzle, on the grounds that it's
so much slicker. The main improvement was getting over my hang-up about using white dots to keep the grid valid - once I got my paws on Rangsk's solver to help check configurations, I was able to keep a more streamlined break-in from collapsing into unusability, and the result is a puzzle that I'm significantly happier with. Hopefully you'll enjoy it too, so all that remains for me to say is good luck and happy solving!
Normal sudoku rules apply.
Cells with a white dot on their shared edge contain consecutive digits;
all such dots are given.
The pink lines are Renban lines; that is, they each comprise a set of distinct consecutive digits that can appear in any order.
The digits along the arrow must sum to the value in its circled cell.
Solve using Penpa+ here!