Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

A Sudoku for a Rainy Day

(Eingestellt am 23. August 2022, 00:13 Uhr von britboy3456)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

The brown line is a thermo - digits along the thermo must increase from the bulb end.

The pink lines are renbans - digits along each renban line must be a set of consecutive digits in any order, and must not repeat.

A blue dot between cells indicates cells with a 2:1 ratio in cell value. Not all such dots are given.

f-puzzles: A Sudoku for a Rainy Day (recommended, prettier!)

CTC: A Sudoku for a Rainy Day

Alternative links for those who prefer to play without the colours:

f-puzzles: A Sudoku for a Rainy Day (no colours)

CTC: A Sudoku for a Rainy Day (no colours)

Lösungscode: Row 7, then column 6 (18 digits)

Zuletzt geändert am 23. August 2022, 15:37 Uhr

Gelöst von Greg, SKORP17, ofsmul, jchan18, Malubre, kuraban, StfC, Montinox, lsw770770, kkli, Cypher, halftime, Boble, davidjshort, jalebc, rugbyrefmd, absolutebeginner, NineK, ehollins, bensisko, ... CyanMystic, Nonio7, drf93, Markos95, beavr, Crul, Lovejoy , morgannamodeaura, pepe74287, spamus, jogerth, Montikulum, Roberto, LachyDachy, louie.lly, Kekes, Fenn, Rüdiger, vexillophilia, The Bard
Komplette Liste


am 14. September 2022, 15:10 Uhr von Dramatiker
nice puzzle, nice design and cool setting. The end took me a bit of what-if thinking, but maybe I missed something.

Was a lot of fun, thanks :)

am 25. August 2022, 00:00 Uhr von Allagem
I love a puzzle with a strong theme! And I don't mind allowing some unusual colors to help make that theme stronger :) If there were two dots and both were unusual colors, that might have been too confusing but since all dots have the same meaning, I think it's fine here. I also voted the difficulty as 2 stars. Sure the beginning is easy, but you do have to think a LITTLE bit for those renbans. Simple but very fun puzzle britboy3456!

am 24. August 2022, 07:50 Uhr von ConnortheFan
Pretty easy start, just took a bit more effort to finish

am 23. August 2022, 15:37 Uhr von britboy3456
added options to solve without custom colours

am 23. August 2022, 13:23 Uhr von VeTaurus
I liked the puzzle. But the unusual colour for the kropki dots irritated me. And the brown for the thermo made it hard to read the numbers on it.

am 23. August 2022, 01:56 Uhr von kuraban
Fun puzzle. Enjoyed that one.

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:160 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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