Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Chaos Construction: Renbans

(Eingestellt am 11. August 2022, 05:00 Uhr von XeonRisq)

  • The digits 1 to 9 must appear once in every row, column, and region. Regions are to be determined by the solver, and must be a set of nine orthogonally connected cells.
  • Digits on a renban line must be consecutive, but in any order and may not repeat.
  • Lines will exist in exactly two regions. Even digits will belong to one region, odd digits to the other.
  • A digit in a square indicates the number of cells in the line of sight of the digit that are in the same region as the digit, including itself. (the digit cannot see through borders)
  • A digit in a circle indicates the number of cells in its region that are on renban lines.
  • Small circles at intersections specify that three or more regions occupy the 2x2 area.
  • All small circles have been given.
  • F-puzzles link - link to solve online
  • CtC link - link to solve online

Lösungscode: Row 4 followed by Column 5

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von Steven R, KNT, jkuo7, Bluewhite, henrypijames, Niverio, pastini, Lizzy01, pippilotta, Chilly, flatbread, amarins, Tilberg, StephenR, bansalsaab, marcmees, polar, Franjo, Dentones, JayForty, ... mausi19la03, jwsinclair, Christounet, Uhu, misko, codewizard, Racteal, dogfarts, AvonD, Saskia, tuckerbucket, zakkai, h5663454, isajo4002, SeveNateNine, Elliott810, steeto, by81996672, sarabtx
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Zuletzt geändert am 2. September 2022, 03:47 Uhr

am 29. August 2022, 18:48 Uhr von Christounet
Fun puzzle ! I like these small circles, even if i think a few of them were not essential. Thanks !
Appreciate the solve and feedback. The small circles are all given partly because of the negative constraint, so some of them are likely not needed, but the lack of a circle is used several times in my solve path.

Zuletzt geändert am 15. August 2022, 05:54 Uhr

am 14. August 2022, 22:39 Uhr von wenchang
Spoiler alert! Very NICE setting!
Thanks for the feature and the humbling endorsement. Glad you found the puzzle enjoyable!!

Zuletzt geändert am 12. August 2022, 14:40 Uhr

am 11. August 2022, 23:31 Uhr von marcmees
Nice one. Thanks.
Appreciate the kind words and glad you enjoyed it.

Zuletzt geändert am 12. August 2022, 14:39 Uhr

am 11. August 2022, 22:21 Uhr von StephenR
Thanks, enjoyed this one.
Your welcome, and thanks for the solve and feedback!

Zuletzt geändert am 11. August 2022, 14:37 Uhr

am 11. August 2022, 11:15 Uhr von Niverio
I personally liked the overall flow of this puzzle way better than your thermo one. I do agree with henry about what he said on his hidden comment. And I still really really dislike the small circle rule, haha. Thankfully this time around it's effects were way milder. Thank you a lot for the puzzle!
Thanks Niv, part of the reason I looked for a smoother solve path was because of your feedback from the previous CC puzzle. As stated to henry, testing feedback persuaded me on the large circles, and I really like the small circle rule, it does a lot for region building, but I'll keep that in mind moving forward, and maybe I'll see what other rules I can find. Appreciate the solve/feedback.

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:53 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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