Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Tiger's Jaw

(Eingestellt am 8. August 2022, 19:23 Uhr von Samish)

This is the last puzzle of a trilogy of irregular puzzle I made around common themes :
  1. Kitten's Got Claws (5x5)
  2. Jaguar's Paw (6x6)
Each puzzle inspired the following, which includes each time one additional variant. You can either solve them in order (it will lessen a little the difficulty of this one) or do this one first and then check the others if you liked it ! You can also check my others puzzles here.
I'll be happy to read your comments !

Rules :

Normal rules apply for irregular sudoku, arrow, thermometer and renban, ie :
  • Place the digits 1 to 8 in each row, column and region exactly once.
  • Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in that arrow's circle.
  • Digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb.
  • An orange line must contain a set of consecutive non-repeating digits in any order.

Solve in the CTC app

Solve in f-puzzles

Special thanks to filuta and Kafkapharnaum for their support along this trilogy, that allowed this puzzle to exist.

Lösungscode: Row 1 then row 8.

Gelöst von AnalyticalNinja , filuta, Muhammad, Kimyee, Aaronomys, Kafkapharnaum, Yann, wullemuus, Sewerin, Paletron, pkp, Malakree, wang, Dentones
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 22. Dezember 2023, 15:19 Uhr

am 21. Dezember 2023, 08:13 Uhr von wullemuus
Thanks to your support and my willingness to join this very special solver' club I did it! Without the other two puzzles I would have never made it and every hint was very helpful. Also I agree with all those compliments about the logical structure, beautiful interactions and looking on the blank version now I'm asking myself why it took so long ... . Excellent work!
Thank you very much ! Congrats for the solve, glad to see you join the club =)

Zuletzt geändert am 5. Dezember 2023, 14:02 Uhr

am 6. November 2023, 19:27 Uhr von Yann
Insane puzzle with staggering geometry and ridiculous intricacy, the amount of logic packed here is so dense (in so few small clues too), I don't understand how somebody could have come up with this ! Everything fits together really nicely, with the deductions building up on each other prograssively, well done on setting this !
I strongly recommend future solvers to solve the other two puzzles, they are both really nice and useful !
Bifurcation helps here to disprove the wrong option, but everything is logical !
Straight to my favorites !
Wow, thanks for this amazing feedback. Indeed the project was to make a high logic density puzzle, the idea came after finding by chance the 5x5! And setting the first two was definitely mandatory to be able to gather all the ideas for the biggie :)
And of course congrats for your solves on these difficult puzzles! =)

Zuletzt geändert am 20. März 2023, 22:03 Uhr

am 17. März 2023, 17:18 Uhr von Kafkapharnaum
I’ll need intensive care after what that tiger did to me! But even as this puzzle just completely and utterly wiped the floor with me at every step and my solve was an absolute slogfest, now that I can retrace its pure path, I can honestly say this has to be one of my favorites
Now I’m not the most prolific solver, but I think I’ve still seen enough to say that this has to be one of the most spectacular, intricately woven arrangements of renbans out there (and none longer than 3 cells!), and that’s not even considering all the other intricately woven madness that comes before they even fully come into play, such that in the end, it ultimately resolves on *cough* so little *cough*. I’m seriously in awe of your ability to set something like this; I know it didn’t come without effort, but all in all it really didn’t take you very long! XD
Wow, thank you so much for this wonderful feedback Kafka, congrats for your solve on this very difficult puzzle, I’m glad you got there and were able to enjoy it so much! The effort to set it was always fun as I was confident in the concept, and encouraged by newfound puzzle friends :-)

Zuletzt geändert am 18. August 2022, 01:24 Uhr

am 18. August 2022, 00:30 Uhr von Aaronomys
Phew! This is by far your trickiest puzzle! And also perhaps the most enjoyable. I had a blast finding each step of this intricate madness. I assure you it had me sweating for 3+ hours. However, the logical ideas behind this are so clever and I had so much fun finding them. Very great work @Samish ! I can’t wait to see your next work! =D

The run of solves you did today leaves me speechless. It really makes me very happy !! I think you deserve proper congratulations first ! You earned well the title of being the only one to have solved all my puzzles :D I'm really glad you liked it so much even though it opposed such resistance.
It's also the one that took me the most efforts, even more if we count Claws an Paw as preliminary work (I would have never gathered all those ideas at once!) - and probably the one I'm the most proud of.
Huge thanks @Aaronymous ! :-)

Zuletzt geändert am 10. August 2022, 02:31 Uhr

am 9. August 2022, 16:35 Uhr von Muhammad
Very nice logic, thank you :)

And thank you for your solve, I'm happy you liked it ! :)
I see you're quite a solver, maybe you'll like to check this puzzle : 000A6R. His comments are pretty self-explanatory about the difficulty.

Zuletzt geändert am 10. August 2022, 02:35 Uhr

am 8. August 2022, 21:22 Uhr von filuta
great conclusion of the trilogy and also a quite hard one!

Thanks ! It could only end this way :D

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:14 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool Klein

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