Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

4-in-1 in 4x4

(Eingestellt am 30. Juli 2022, 20:48 Uhr von Yawnus)

A funny little puzzle - or actually four - suitable for holiday-slackened brains. Can you solve them all in 10 minutes or less?


Place the digits 1 through 4 in each row, column and box without repeats.
Cells separated by a white dot contain consecutive digits.
Cells separated by a black dot contain digits with a 1:2 ratio.
Digits along the marked diagonal sum to the indicated total.

Puzzle 1: All clues are correct.
Puzzle 2: All clues are liars.
Puzzle 3: Either the white dots, black dots, or both are liars (while the other clues are correct).
Puzzle 4: Exactly one clue (either one of the dots or the diagonal) is a liar.

Solve at F-Puzzles
Solve at CtC

Lösungscode: Row 4 of each puzzle from 1 through 4 (16 digits, no spaces or commas)

Zuletzt geändert am 31. Juli 2022, 09:03 Uhr

Gelöst von FlareglooM, SKORP17, efnenu, Steven R, britboy3456, manushand, achim-t, Imperial Marcher, Jlrice2, Banana, meowzzz, Notlob, Steinway1867, Sumanta(ANU), DiMono, AKpK17, Isa, klara37, galium_odoratum, ... qoala, zrbakhtiar, Dermerlin, geronimo92, Infernath, Jordan Timm, Ssikaijeo, ManuH, PippoForte, morgannamodeaura, Dez256, marcmees, QuiltyAsCharged, BEHamren, Cthouloulou, jgarber, Chishiri
Komplette Liste


am 29. Januar 2023, 06:35 Uhr von bodemeister
10 minutes was about what it took. Cool to have four different puzzles with the same starting grid.

am 22. August 2022, 14:50 Uhr von Rollo
Very nice puzzle, but it took me one hour.

am 31. Juli 2022, 09:15 Uhr von Yawnus
@ScattlerBrain & @meowzzz: With the word "clue" I meant individual objects in the grid while a sentence under the heading "Rules" would be referred to as a "rule". I hope that the rephrasing of Puzzle 4 text removes the ambiguity.

am 31. Juli 2022, 09:03 Uhr von Yawnus
Clarified the description of Puzzle 4.

am 31. Juli 2022, 05:40 Uhr von meowzzz
As @ScatterBrain has pointed out, the last puzzle wording a bit confusing. Might want to rephrase a little, something along the lines of differentiating between the word rule and clue.

Puzzle 1: all rules are correct
Puzzle 2: all rules are lies
Puzzle 3: either:
a) white dot rule is a lie
b) black dot rule is a lie
c) both white and black dot rules are a lies
Puzzle 4: only a single CLUE (not the entire rule) is a lie

Bewertung:81 %
Gelöst:54 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

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