Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Colorguru Chaos Deconstruction: Kropkis

(Published on 9. July 2022, 21:28 by crispy16)

This is the 4th puzzle in the Colorguru Chaos Deconstruction series, again in a small 9x9 grid. You can find the earlier entries in the series in my list of puzzles here


Some cells in the grid have been colored. The given cells are also labelled with a letter representing the color: b - blue, g - green, p - purple, r - red, y - yellow

Using those 5 colors, color some more cells in the grid to satisfy the following conditions:

Every colored cell must belong to a Block. A Block consists of 1 to 5 orthogonally connected cells of the same color. Blocks of the same color OR SIZE cannot touch orthogonally or diagonally. NOTE: the size restriction here is new and different from previous puzzles in the series.

Every Block belongs to a Region. A Region consists of 2 or more orthogonally connected Blocks. Blocks within a Region cannot be the same color or size.

Regions may not touch orthogonally. Regions that touch diagonally have at most one color in common.

Cells separated by a white dot must be colored with different colors, and the sizes of their Blocks must be consecutive.

Cells separated by a black dot must be colored with different colors, and the sizes of their Blocks must be in a 1:2 ratio.

Solve on SudokuPad
Solve on F-Puzzles


Solution code: Using the letters for the colors given in the rules, write the colored cells in row 3 then column 5, ignoring uncolored cells. (One letter for each colored cell, so a sequence of 2 blue cells followed by 1 red and 3 yellow cells would be "bbryyy")

Solved by wooferzfg, Jakhob, mathpesto, Doziam, rimodech, jkuo7, Jesper, polar, jessica6, Joe Average, moss, MagnusJosefsson, Hrafnsvaengr, Alex, misko, Oripy, Sewerin, Jaych, Mark Sweep, Vebby, Counterfeitly, teff, dunder
Full list


on 10. July 2022, 01:48 by mathpesto
Very lovely addition to the series with some fun, new deductions to find!

on 9. July 2022, 21:36 by Jakhob
Great puzzle! Can't wait for the next one if there is one of course :)

on 9. July 2022, 21:31 by wooferzfg
Super fun as always! This one felt a bit more approachable than the others in the series.

Rating:94 %
Solved:23 times
Observed:10 times

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