Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cliffs of Insanity

(Eingestellt am 27. Juni 2022, 00:06 Uhr von DarthParadox)

Ascend the Cliffs of Insanity to reunite the princess and her beloved!

Normal sudoku rules apply. In addition:

Anti-Knight: Cells separated by a chess knight's move cannot contain the same digit.

Thermometers: Digits along the thermometers must increase from the bulbs to the tips.

Cliffs: The heavy lines are Cliff lines. Digits separated by a Cliff line must differ by at least four, and when a line separates more than a single pair of digits, all of the higher digits in those differences must be on the same side of the line.

Online solver links: f-puzzles, CTC, Penpa

Lösungscode: Column 4 followed by column 6 (no spaces)

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Juni 2022, 05:59 Uhr

Gelöst von LittleBallOfPurr, lerroyy, OutOfMyMindBRB, Niverio, purpl, Nordy, SKORP17, crispy16, Servantes135, wisty, OGRussHood, boriss, chameleon, karen_birgitta, bansalsaab, jadezki, schlathubali, annnz, Mikemerin, Dentones
Komplette Liste


am 21. Februar 2024, 01:25 Uhr von jadezki
Loved this, colouring was great fun! Thank you!

am 11. November 2022, 13:28 Uhr von chameleon
Great puzzle, lots of fun! I'd wish the high-lowity to be resolved much earlier, though.

am 19. September 2022, 00:59 Uhr von wisty
The fact that the whispers-esque logic is "geographical" makes for a really nice demonstration of anti-knight.

am 4. Juli 2022, 19:59 Uhr von crispy16
It took me a little while to get my thinking straight on the ruleset, but once I did it was a lovely puzzle.

am 29. Juni 2022, 01:26 Uhr von Nordy
Very cool idea executed superbly!

am 28. Juni 2022, 23:04 Uhr von purpl
I found the puzzle delightful and quite smooth, I think it lies somewhere between 3 and 4 for difficulty.

am 28. Juni 2022, 22:27 Uhr von Niverio
Very nice puzzle! Great coloring exercise.

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Juni 2022, 06:00 Uhr

am 28. Juni 2022, 05:59 Uhr von DarthParadox
Yeah, I was on the fence on difficulty - I'm still figuring the scale out. Thanks for solving!

am 27. Juni 2022, 01:32 Uhr von LittleBallOfPurr
I thought this was a brilliant puzzle, haven't played with this ruleset before, I believe it might be a new twist. I did admittedly find it quite tricky, perhaps a 4 star rather than 3.

Thanks Darth, hope to see more of these in the future!

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:20 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal

Variantenkombination Neu

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