- Every digit from 1 to 9 appears once in every row, column, and region. 9 regions are to be determined. Every region is a set of 9 orthogonally connected cells.
- Arrows indicate the number of cells in the indicated direction that are not part of the arrow cell's own region. Not all arrows are given.
(Each arrow is independent, so if a cell has multiple arrows, the digit in the cell applies to each direction separately.)
Penpa+ (with answer check)
Cracking The Cryptic (PC Version, with answer check)
Cracking The Cryptic (Mac & Mobile version, with answer check)
Bit of a tricky break-in for this one, but gradually gets easier as it goes along. Hope you enjoy playing 😄 - Any feedback and comments welcome!
Solution code: Rows 2 & 7 (left to right) (18 digits)
on 4. August 2022, 11:12 by Christounet
Beautiful break in and interesting region logic as always... Fell into all the little traps along the way and had to reset it a couple times to make it right. Thanks ++
on 28. June 2022, 15:02 by MagnusJosefsson
Very nice and clever puzzle!
on 25. June 2022, 19:40 by PixelPlucker
Great puzzle with intriguing logic, thanks!
on 24. June 2022, 15:28 by marcmees
very nice again... thanks.
on 24. June 2022, 11:26 by Jesper
Lovely puzzle, thanks!
on 24. June 2022, 04:27 by Bankey
The own region cells in a particular direction need to be in a contiguous block ?
- Not necessarily, to the extent that it would be impossible to do so right from the very start of the puzzle :) - Thanks for taking a look! - Xenonetix
- Thought as much! Thanks for your response. :)