Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Each diagonal (all positive and negative diagonals) must consist of up to three different digits, but no more than three.
Adjacent digits along each german whisper line must have a difference of at least 5.
Orthogonally adjacent cells must not sum to 5 or 10.
Lösungscode: The three 'longest positive diagonal' (A9-9A) digits from low to high, then the three 'longest negative diagonal' (A1-I9) digits from low to high.
am 27. Juni 2023, 18:37 Uhr von morgannamodeaura
why is the solution code so convoluted, and only indirectly related to the actual grid?
am 13. August 2022, 11:37 Uhr von chain.reader
Solved it, took me a few guesses to figure out what you meant for the solution code, so here'e some clarity for everyone else:
it's the three digits, typed in order, on the positive diagonal (bottom left-top right), followed by the three digits, typed in order, in the negative diagonal (top left-bottom right)
so, the solution code is only 6 digits
Also, I did not need to use the diagonal 3 digit restriction to solve this, it solved quite well with the 5/10 restriction.
am 21. Juli 2022, 16:25 Uhr von Rollo
Wirklich klasse, wie das alles aufgeht! Aber die 'drei Ziffern'-Bedingung brauchte ich auch nicht.
am 19. Juli 2022, 10:51 Uhr von asp1310
Added image
am 21. Juni 2022, 15:39 Uhr von PinkNickels
I solved it, but I don't understand the solution code instructions...
am 21. Juni 2022, 10:35 Uhr von Bankey
Good fun! Thanks, @ asp1310 :)
am 21. Juni 2022, 06:14 Uhr von asp1310
@apendleton - To be completely fair, it was not an original part of the plan; I set the whispers and anti-XV first, then let SudokuLab solve it and it turned up something like 36 solutions. By adding those givens, I got it down to 1 solution, which just happened to have that "three digit" situaton going on (I'm not even sure if other givens would result in the same situation; I was happy leaving it at that). So I decided to add it as an extra 'constraint' to help the solve and maybe notch down the difficulty by giving something else to narrow down potential logic. If it's still unneeded, great, but it also let me have a fun title, heh!
am 20. Juni 2022, 23:22 Uhr von asp1310
corrected image
am 20. Juni 2022, 23:21 Uhr von asp1310
added image
am 20. Juni 2022, 23:09 Uhr von asp1310
Corrected link