Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Mini Chaos Construction

(Eingestellt am 16. Juni 2022, 06:39 Uhr von lavaloid)

Penpa Link: https://tinyurl.com/2p9dabau


5x5 irregular sudoku rule applies, but the letters and regions are to be determined by the following rules:

The grid must be divided into five non-congruent pentominoes (i.e. shapes must be different even if reflected/rotated) and the letters to be placed are the letters that correspond to the five pentominoes in standard pentomino notation. (See: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ed/Pentominos.svg/1200px-Pentominos.svg.png)

Circles mark letters that correspond to the shape of the region it is in.

5x5 irregular sudoku rules: Fill in exactly one letter from the five-letter bank in each cell such that each row, column, and 5-cell region must contain each letter exactly once.

Lösungscode: Row 1, then row 5

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Juni 2022, 09:44 Uhr

Gelöst von tryote, SudokuExplorer, marcmees, tlgeotau, kolot, Franjo, Steven R, twobear, jkuo7, robals, StephenEsven, Jesper, efnenu, KNT, monk, Jagga, Niverio, ___, AvonD, MartinR, misko, zuzanina, ManuH, Xenonetix, thebizznos, Uhu, Al Fresco, Jordan Timm, h5663454, Wren, Aphyrus, Lucx, Aspartagcus, zrbakhtiar, starelev5, DetroitPiston, akamchinjir, Calesch, steeto
Komplette Liste


am 4. April 2023, 20:08 Uhr von Lucx
That‘s a nice one! Thank you - cool construction!

am 22. Februar 2023, 15:12 Uhr von Aphyrus
Thank you :-)

am 16. Juni 2022, 14:23 Uhr von twobear
Very nice and cute puzzle!

am 16. Juni 2022, 11:09 Uhr von kolot
Very nice!

am 16. Juni 2022, 10:00 Uhr von marcmees
Rewording helped to understand.

am 16. Juni 2022, 09:44 Uhr von lavaloid
Fixed rule wording

Zuletzt geändert am 16. Juni 2022, 09:36 Uhr

am 16. Juni 2022, 08:46 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
Nice concept! Btw no digits are to be placed, but 5 letters are to be placed corresponding to the 5 distinct pentominoes and satisfying sudoku rules.

REPLY: you're right! i'll fix the wording

Bewertung:84 %
Gelöst:39 mal
Beobachtet:7 mal


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