Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 5. Juni 2022, 23:33 Uhr von starwarigami)

Normal Killer Sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits may not repeat in a cage.
  • Cage totals along an arrow sum to the total of the cage containing the connected circle.
CtC link
f-puzzles link

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Lösungscode: Row 1 (left to right) Row 2 (left to right) - 18 digits, no spaces

Zuletzt geändert am 5. Juni 2022, 23:39 Uhr

Gelöst von Elliott810, fjam, Leonard Hal, Jesper, by81996672, argl, Yawnus, Christounet, morgannamodeaura, snowyegret, Paletron, Isael, AvonD, Bankey, SudokuHero
Komplette Liste


am 20. Februar 2024, 13:33 Uhr von Bankey
Tough but great fun. Thanks, @ starwarigami :).

Zuletzt geändert am 19. September 2022, 21:54 Uhr

am 19. September 2022, 21:44 Uhr von Christounet
Nice puzzle. Funny this did not have more solves because it did have an interesting rule and some nice min-max deduction in it. The midsolve gave me a bit of trouble because i made a sum error... Thanks.

@Christounet: Thanks for taking the time to check out my back-catalogue. Much appreciated!

Bewertung:90 %
Gelöst:15 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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